Win + Mac
- Sliders updated for more precise control, including typed entry
- A recent firmware update by Prusa caused some unwanted behavior, where the fans would be blipped to 100% upon any new fan speed command - I implemented fixes so this wouldn't cause issues with lasers. Thankfully I found a solution that made it possible to solve this without changing the firmware.
- Now you can adjust the maximum power intensity of the laser via a slider. This is useful if you have a powerful module but you only need a fraction of the power available to engrave without setting everything on fire.
- (Beta) Opacity applied to paths in the SVG will translate to percentage of power! Now it's possible to engrave AND cut within a single file, or create the illusion of gradients! The intensity slider will also affect this in proportion with the opacity values (e.g. SVG path opacity of 50% will burn at 50% intensity if the slider is set to max; if it's set to 50%, the same path will be burnt at 25% intensity)
- (Beta) Opacity changes will be reflected in the Gcode preview as well