For releasing WiX into the OSS Sonatype Maven repository.
A set of projects providing various packaging to target Maven related builds.
mvn clean
mvn -N generate-sources -Pdownload
mvn deploy -Pnar -Pnpanday
-Pdownload -N
Should be run with the -N option to only run on the aggregate build, child projects reference the download location in the parent project.
Download from Github is partly automated, version in URL is not automatically updated to match mvn build.
For integration tests requires
- local install of msvc compiler on path
- running in x86 Native Tools command prompt
For integration tests requires
- npanday 1.4.0-incubating requires local install of NUnit:NUnit.Framework: regardless of usage in the integration tests.
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=NUnit -DartifactId=NUnit.Framework -Dversion= -Dpackaging=library "-Dfile=C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.2.8\bin\framework\nunit.framework.dll" - npanday is present in local repo, or somebody to help fix the src/it/settings.xml custom-lifecycle is used in packaging, however maven-compile is needed for IT
- it002-wixca includes a NUnit test which requires nunit-console otherwise error "'nunit-console' is not recognized as an internal or external command"
Also works with 1.5.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT