This project is my attempt to blend OpenCV and WxWidgets to re-learn Image Processing and at the same time, get more proficient on both libs.
There is another project I have here that shares the same code, but uses python, as a sort of make, to build C++ sources:
When I was in college I had a, hmm, I have no idea if this exists in USA or UK or outside of Brazil. Basically, I was paid to do a research while being an undergraduate student.
So, my research was in Image Processing, especifically for x-ray scans of mamographies.
My major was Electrical Engineering - electronics- but I did and I still don't like it.
- Because of this research I learned Delphi and C.
- I had access to the internet ( around 1996-1998 )
- I used a lot of IRC.
- I was part of many mailing lists.
So, you can tell that besides all the math I learned, boolean logics, pascal and assembly, I own my career in great part to this.
Image Processing uses a lot of Math and discrete math. If I won the lottery, I would probably spend my time doing a master degree in Computer Vision.
Back to reality however, this is how I have fun. It is mostly a hobby project just like some people do carpentry or gardening.
Back in 1996 I had no idea if OpenCV existed or about libraries.
** WARNING ** The algorithms for face detection are not working. I have no idea why or how. I am running Windows 11, maybe that is it. I have removed them from the code.
- Make sure you install OpenCV and wxWidgets
I suggest building wxWidgets from scratch, as explained here.
This is a CMakeList.txt file that works:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
find_package(wxWidgets REQUIRED gl core base OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS net)
find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED )
include_directories( ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
add_executable(diMage ../main.cpp ../childframes.cpp ../filesys.cpp ../image_algorithms.cpp ../image_gridialog.cpp ../image_helper.cpp ../image_io.cpp ../image_slide.cpp ../image_util.cpp ../mainframe.cpp ../opcvwrapper.cpp ../savekernel.cpp)
target_link_libraries(diMage PRIVATE ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ${OpenCV_LIBS})
- Create a folder under the root folder of the project and create a CMakeList.txt file there.
- cmake .
- make
And that will do.
The menu Algorithms->Basic Algorithms Selection allows you to choose between several algorithms.
So, edit the sources opcvwrapper.h and opcvwrapper.cpp adding a function with the signature cv::Mat foo( cv::Mat& m ).
Do all your processing inside this function then at childframe add the following:
void fillFSimple()
fsimple["my foo"] = foo;
comboBox1->Append("my foo");
Now the menu Algorithms->Basic Algorithms Selection contains foo.
I am working with jpg/tif input images and only jpg only for the output, but I plan to add options for more formats. Actually you can change that option only by changing these lines:
void MyFrame::OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& event)
wxFileDialog openFileDialog(this,
"Image files (*.jpg)|*.jpg|All Files (*.*)|*.*",
void MyFrame::OnSave(wxCommandEvent& event)
if (ImageHelper.getOriginalImageInitiated() == true)
auto name_final = ImageHelper.getOriginalImage().GetName();
auto path = ImageHelper.getOriginalImage().GetPath();
auto tosave = path + "\\" + name_final + "_proc_" + ".jpg";
The excellent graphics libs:
- I use Visual Studio 2022
- c++17
- OpenCV 4.8
- wxWdigets 3.2.1
- wxFormBuilder. Get it at
Python soon will be required.
2022, 2023 Daniel Vasconcelos Gomes You can use this freely but I don't take responsibility for whatever problems this will likely cause.