This project is my Image Editor project.
So, long story...
When I was in college I had a, hmm, I have no idea if this exists in USA or UK or outside of Brazil. Basically, I was paid to do a research while being an undergraduate student.
So, my research was in Image Processing, especifically for x-ray scans of mamographies.
My major was Electrical Engineering - electronics- but I did and I still don't like it.
- Because of this research I learned Delphi and C.
- I had access to the internet ( around 1996-1998 )
- I used a lot of IRC.
- I was part of many mailing lists.
So, you can tell that besides all the math I learned, boolean logics, pascal and assembly, I own my career in great part to this.
Image Processing uses a lot of Math and discrete math. If I won the lottery I would probably spend my time doing a master degree in Computer Vision.
Back to reality however, this is how I have fun. It is mostly a hobby project just like some people do carpentry or gardening.
Back in 1996 I had no idea if OpenCV existed or about libraries.
I am working with jpg/tif input images and only jpg only for the output, but I plan to add options for more formats.
2022, 2023 Daniel Vasconcelos Gomes You can use this freely but I don't take responsibility for whatever problems this will likely cause.