- Support for annotations on all types @alexvanolst (#147)
- Update dependency com.github.liancheng:organize-imports to v0.6.0 @renovate (#146)
- Support for Annotations on Enum / Case @alexvanolst (#141)
- Patch value with Diff #81 @dmitrykozinets (#132)
- Fixing bug with decoding empty lists in protobuf codec. (issue #94) @kurgansoft (#140)
- 35 - schema to ordering @eHig (#117)
- Update dependency org.scala-native:sbt-scala-native to v0.4.1 @renovate (#137)
- Update dependency org.scalameta:sbt-mdoc to v2.2.24 @renovate (#134)
- Update dependency org.scala-js:sbt-scalajs to v1.7.1 @renovate (#130)
- Simplify the Schema.Sequence as discussed @DamianReeves (#136)
- Moved protobuf codec out into its own subproject @DamianReeves (#129)
- Implement reified optics with AccessorBuilder and type-safe generic r… @thinkharderdev (#121)
- Breakout Json codec into its own project @DamianReeves (#126)
- Update zioVersion for dev.zio to v1.0.12 @renovate (#124)
- Add primitive uuid support @paulpdaniels (#91)