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KubeArmor Action

A Github Action component library that visualizes the application's system-level behaviors and network connection changes. For example, which processes are generated by the application and the parent-child relationship between processes, which file access is generated, which network connections are generated, network connection topology, network connection changes, and so on.

How To Use

Main Action: kubearmor-action

This action will be used to save the new app summary report and choose to generate visualisation results or not

 # Save the new app summary report and Choose to Generate visualisation results or not
- name: Save the new app summary report and Choose to Generate visualisation results
  uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action@main
    old-summary-path: ''
    namespace: 'sock-shop'
    app-name: 'front-end'
    file: 'summary-test.json'
    install-kubearmor: 'true' # default value is false, if set true, will install karmor-cli and discovery-engine
    save-summary-report: 'true' # default value is false, if set true, will save summary report  
    visualise: 'true' # default value is false, if set true, will generate visualisation results

Other Tool Actions

Action: install-kubearmor

This action will be used to install kubearmor-client and Discovery-Engine.

# Install kubearmor components
- name: Install kubearmor components
  uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action/actions/install-kubearmor@main

Action: check-pods-ready

This action will be used to check whether all pods are ready, if not, will show logs and events for troubleshooting.(This will need to setup Go env first.)

# Check all pods are ready, if not, get reason
- name: Check all pods are ready, if not, get reason
  uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action/actions/check-pods-ready@main

Action: save-summary-report

This action will be used to save the summary report to specified file.

# Save the app summary report
- name: Save the new app summary report
  uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action/actions/save-summary-report@main
  id: save-summary-report
    namespace: 'sock-shop' # This is set for karmor summary -n $namespace command.(This must be set.)
    file: 'summary-test.json' # This is set for the name of the summary report file.(If not set, the default value is summary.json.)

Action: visual-report

This action will be used to visualize the system-level behaviors and the network connections changes.If the old-summary-path and new-summary-path are different, the network connection changes before and after are displayed. If they are the same, the network behavior of the specific application is displayed without changes.(This will setup JAVA env acquiescently.)

- name: Kubearmor-action visualisation
  id: visualisation-report
  uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action/actions/visual-report@main
    old-summary-path: '' # This is set for old-summary-path, this can be set remote URL or local file path.(This must be set.)
    new-summary-path: '${{ github.workspace }}/${{ }}' # This is set for new-summary-path, this can be set remote URL or local file path.(This must be set.)
    namespace: 'sock-shop' # This is set for namespace of the application.(This must be set.)
    app-name: 'orders' # If set to non-empty, will show network connections of the pod containing the specified name. If not set or set none will show network connections of all pods.

Complete Example

name: test

    branches: [main]
    branches: [main]
    pull-requests: write
    contents: write

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: A job to test kubearmor-action
      # Setup Go
      - name: Setup Go
        uses: actions/setup-go@v4
          go-version: '1.20'
          GOPATH: ${{ runner.workspace }}
          GO111MODULE: "on"
      # Checkout to your repo
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      # Install k3s cluster(You can setup a k8s cluster here)
      - name: Setup k3s cluster
        run: |
          curl -sfL | K3S_KUBECONFIG_MODE="644" sh -s - --disable=traefik

          [[ ! -d $KUBEDIR ]] && mkdir $KUBEDIR
          if [ -f $KUBECONFIG ]; then
            echo "Found $KUBECONFIG already in place ... backing it up to $KUBECONFIG.backup"
            cp $KUBECONFIG $KUBECONFIG.backup
          sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml $KUBECONFIG
          sudo chown $USER:$USER $KUBECONFIG
          echo "export KUBECONFIG=$KUBECONFIG" | tee -a ~/.bashrc
          echo "wait for initialization"
          sleep 15

          runtime="15 minute"
          endtime=$(date -ud "$runtime" +%s)

          while [[ $(date -u +%s) -le $endtime ]]
            status=$(kubectl get pods -A -o jsonpath={.items[*].status.phase})
            [[ $(echo $status | grep -v Running | wc -l) -eq 0 ]] && break
            echo "wait for initialization"
            sleep 1
          kubectl get pods -A
      # Install kubearmor components(This will install kubearmor-client and Discovery-Engine)
      - name: Install kubearmor components
        uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action/@main
          install-kubearmor: 'true'
      # Show pods info
      - name: Get pod
        run: kubectl get po -A
      # Deploy the new app(You can deploy your application here)
      - name: Deploy the new app
        run: kubectl apply -f ./test/testdata/sock-shop.yaml
      # Check all pods are ready, if not, get reason
      - name: Check all pods are ready, if not, get reason
        uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action/actions/check-pods-ready@main
      # Runs Integration/Tests/Load Generation(You can add a step here)
      # Generate load on the new app
      - name: Generate load on the new app
        run: |
          sleep 60
          docker run --net=host weaveworksdemos/load-test -h localhost:30001 -r 100 -c 2
      # Save the new app summary report and Generate visualisation results
      - name: Save the new app summary report and Generate visualisation results
        uses: kubearmor/kubearmor-action@main
        id: visualisation
          old-summary-path: ''
          namespace: 'sock-shop'
          file: 'latest-summary-test.json'
          save-summary-report: 'true'
          visualise: 'true'
      # Get the latest summary report file
      - name: Get the latest summary report file
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
          name: ${{ steps.visualisation.outputs.summary-report-artifact }}
          path: summary_reports
      # Get the visualisation results
      - name: Get the visualisation results 
        uses: actions/download-artifact@v2
          name: ${{ steps.visualisation.outputs.visualisation-results-artifact }}
          path: images
      # Store the latest summary report file
      - name: Store the latest summary report file
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./summary_reports
          keep_files: true
      # Store the visualisation results
      - name: Store the visualisation results
        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          publish_dir: ./images
          keep_files: true
      # Comment the visualisation results on the PR
      - name: Comment on PR
        run: |
          gh pr comment  ${{ github.event.number }} -b"![system_graph](${{ github.repository }}/gh-pages/${{ steps.visualisation.outputs.sys-visualisation-image }})"
          gh pr comment  ${{ github.event.number }} -b"![network_graph](${{ github.repository }}/gh-pages/${{ }})"
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      # Delete the new app
      - name: Delete the new app
        run: kubectl delete -f ./test/testdata/sock-shop.yaml

Architecture Overview

├── Makefile
├── action.yml
├── actions
│   ├── check-pods-ready
│   │   ├── action.yml
│   │   └── main.go
│   ├── install-kubearmor
│   │   └── action.yml
│   ├── save-summary-report
│   │   └── action.yml
│   ├── setup-k3s-cluster
│   │   └── action.yml
│   └── visual-report
│       └── action.yml
├── cmd
│   └── visual
│       ├── cmd
│       │   ├── common.go
│       │   ├── network.go
│       │   ├── root.go
│       │   └── system.go
│       └── main.go
├── common
│   └── common.go
├── docs
│   └── pics
│       ├── network-connnections.png
│       └── sys-behaviors.png
├── examples
│   └── visualisation
│       └── main.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── hack
│   └──
├── install
│   ├── k3s
│   │   └──
│   └── self-managed-k8s
│       └── crio
│           └──
├── pkg
│   ├── controller
│   │   └── client
│   │       └── client.go
│   └── visualisation
│       ├── plantuml.jar
│       ├── types.go
│       └── visualisation.go
├── test
│   └── testdata
│       ├── new-summary-data.json
│       ├── old-summary-data.json
│       ├── sock-shop.yaml
│       └── wordpress-mysql.yaml
└── utils
    ├── exec
    │   └── exec.go
    ├── os
    │   ├── file.go
    │   ├── readers.go
    │   └── writers.go
    ├── urlfile
    │   └── urlfile.go
    └── utils.go

Application Behaviors Visualisation

System Behaviors

Alt text

Network Connections

Alt text


KubeArmor based Github Action







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  • Go 85.8%
  • Shell 9.1%
  • Makefile 5.1%