Forked from djtech42's Python Implementation of the pyak API by joseph346. Check out for instructions on how to install and use.
Are students using YikYak to voice their concerens about broken printers and slow Wi-Fi? Too underfunded to afford a full-time intern to browse YikYak?
Presenting: YikYakIT
Yik Yak Command Line + YakMining + CSV File Keyword search = Easy Life
YakMining adds a 'write to CSV' function to the Yik Yak Command Line. Then we can easily search the output file for key words such as "printer", "broken", "wifi", etc.
Run, enter your campus/location, and hit W to write Yaks to CSV file. Note: Make sure you have a valid User ID.
Use the '' script to search the CSV file for keywords. Edit the keywords as needed.
Could be utilized to identify other types of issues on campus.
To do:
- Figure out how to Cron this so it runs automatically every half-hour.