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1. Webpack for bundling
2. Webpack dev server for development.
3. Simple html created by Vue.
4. ES7 scripts style
5. Simple examples to get insight to koa, vue, vue-router, bootstrap, That includes login authentication, page routing, and basic C.R.U.D..
6. Save your time to decide which pattern is best fit for you in using Vue.
1. Webpack打包
2. Webpack热加载调试代码.
3. Vue标准用法.
4. ES7脚本风格.
5. 使用Koa、Vue、vue-router、bootstrap等搭建一个包括登录验证、路由跳转、用户数据的增删改查等功能的Demo系统.
6. 可以当做Vue项目的脚手架使用.
1. git clone
2. cmd: npm install
3. cmd: npm run start
4. go to http://localhost:3000
1. cmd: npm run debug
2. go to http://localhost:3001
3. modify the source codes, the browsers will auto-refresh