Convert values between NZTM2000 and latitude/longitude. The implementation is a direct translation of the C source code found on this LINZ website. The precision of this module is also comparable to that of the origional C implementation.
The original C files can be found in the "original" folder of this GIT repository.
Routine to convert from New Zeland Tranverse Mercator (NZTM2000) to latitude and longitude. Six decimal point places are kept for the converted latititude and langitude.
tm_geod(easting, northing); // easting and northig are in meters;
"easting": 1783295, // in meters, whole number
"northing": 5868193, // in meters, whole number
"latitude": -37.314852, // in degree, six decimal places
"longitude": 175.068489 // in degree, six decimal places
Routine to convert from latitude and longitude to New Zeland Tranverse Mercator (NZTM2000). The converted easting and northing are whole numbers.
geod_tm(latitude, longitude); // latitude and longitue are in degrees
"easting": 1783295, // in meters, whole number
"northing": 5868193, // in meters, whole number
"latitude": -37.314852, // in degree, six decimal places
"longitude": 175.068489 // in degree, six decimal places
The module replicated the C testing code as well by the following npm script.
npm run test
The conversion can be checked by the LINZ online converter.
Please install gcc or any C compiler on the development host machine.
Complie the C implementation:
cd original
gcc -o nztm nztm.c
Run the code:
echo "1783295.000 5868193.000" | ./nztm