This is the calendar system made by 609 Group, which consist of zhaoyangyingmu(team leader: Dongfang Xie), Oops(Fudan JianGe), Chen Tao and Chenleiyuan. You can use this system to record the items you are going to do and set the prompt if you want. The functions are as follows:
- query the information about today or some day you determine.
- query the information about holidays.
- add some to-do items in some periods.
- query to-do items.
- delete to-do items.
- edit the information about the items you added.
- set prompt if you want to get prompt information.
It is a large system consisting of over ten thousand lines of code. It takes the group a month to build and improve it and we have used all our knowledge to build up this program. Some java library advantages are exploited, such as ScheduledExecutorService aimed at multi-thread job, HashMap to add several attributes more easily. In addition, we also used several design pattern as decorator pattern and factory pattern. This system is built up step by step from interface design to group work and final test. Thanks for the hardworking of my group partner!