Microbiome Simulation via Generative Adversarial Network
MB-GAN is a deep learning simulation framework for simulating realistic microbiome data
Manuscript is avaialble at bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/863977
The folder “data” contains:
The real microbiome data used to generate MB-GAN samples analyzed in the manuscript
The csv files of the MB-GAN samples
The simulated data by alternative methods: Normal-To-Anything and metaSPARSim
The processed data used to generate figures and tables in the manuscript
The folder “Rcode” includes the following R scripts:
: Simulate data by Normal-To-Anything (NorTA) -
: Simulate data by metaSPARSim -
: Converts the csv files of MB-GAN samples toRdata
files -
: Calculate UniFrac distance for real microbiome samples and samples generated by three simulation methods (MBGAN, NorTA, metaSPARSim) -
: Compare sample sparsity, abundance, alpha diversity (by Shannon index), and beta diversity (by non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) analysis) -
: Compare taxa-taxa associations using correlation structure and proportionality -
: Compare differential abundance analysis results based on the real microbiome and MBGAN simulated samples -
: Implement MiRKAT-based MWAS using MBGAN-simulated samples -
: Compare the abundances of the top 60 most abundant taxa across different datasets
The folder “Rcode_smalldataset” includes the similar R codes as above for a small microbiome dataset dicussed in the supplement.
The root folder includes the following Python scripts:
: codes to train a MB-GAN networkmbgan_inference_casectrl.py
: codes to simulate new microbiome abundances using trained model parameters
The folder "code_check_convergence" includes Python scripts to validate the model convergence.
The folder "models" includes the trained model weights.
The folder "outputs" includes simulation outputs.
The folder "models_smaller_dataset" includes the following Python scripts (similar to above):
: codes to simulate new microbiome abundances for a smaller microbiome dataset using trained model parameters
Xiaowei Zhan [email protected]
Quantitative Biomedical Research Center
Center for the Genetics of Host Defence
Department of Population and Data Sciences
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, TX 75390-8821