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feat(backend): 提供自动分配iam权限给DBA的脚本 TencentBlueKing#6988
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iSecloud authored and zhangzhw8 committed Sep 24, 2024
1 parent 844d55a commit 077d0f7
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Showing 7 changed files with 317 additions and 19 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions dbm-ui/backend/env/
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BK_IAM_API_VERSION = get_type_env(key="BK_IAM_API_VERSION", _type=str, default="v1")
IAM_APP_URL = get_type_env(key="IAM_APP_URL", _type=str, default="")
BK_IAM_RESOURCE_API_HOST = get_type_env(key="BK_IAM_RESOURCE_API_HOST", _type=str, default="")
BK_IAM_GRADE_MANAGER_ID = get_type_env(key="BK_IAM_GRADE_MANAGER_ID", _type=int, default=0)

# APIGW 相关配置
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115 changes: 100 additions & 15 deletions dbm-ui/backend/iam_app/dataclass/
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Expand Up @@ -9,18 +9,28 @@
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

from ...env import BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID
from backend import env
from backend.db_meta.models import AppCache

from ..constans import CommonActionLabel
from ..exceptions import BaseIAMError
from ..handlers.client import IAM
from ..handlers.permission import Permission
from .actions import _all_actions
from .resources import ResourceEnum, ResourceMeta, _all_resources, _extra_instance_selections

logger = logging.getLogger("root")

"operation": "upsert_system",
"data": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,7 +58,7 @@ def generate_iam_migration_json(json_name: str = ""):

# 获取资源的json内容
for resource in _all_resources.values():
if resource.system_id != BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID:
if resource.system_id != env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,7 +100,7 @@ def generate_iam_migration_json(json_name: str = ""):
related_resource = action.related_resource_types[0]
# 不关联跨系统和特殊资源(dbtype)
if related_resource.system_id != BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID:
if related_resource.system_id != env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID:
if related_resource in [ResourceEnum.DBTYPE]:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,33 +159,30 @@ def generate_iam_migration_json(json_name: str = ""):
iam_json_content.append({"operation": "upsert_resource_creator_actions", "data": iam_resource_creator_actions})

# 获取dbm在iam完整的注册json
dbm_iam_json = {"system_id": BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, "operations": iam_json_content}
dbm_iam_json = {"system_id": env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, "operations": iam_json_content}

json_name = json_name or "initial—tmp.json"
iam_migrate_json_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, f"backend/iam_app/migration_json_files/{json_name}")
with open(iam_migrate_json_path, "w+") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(dbm_iam_json, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))

def generate_iam_biz_maintain_json(label: str = CommonActionLabel.BIZ_MAINTAIN, json_name: str = ""):
def generate_resource_topo_auth(res_actions: list, bk_biz_id: int = None, bk_biz_name=None):
bk_biz_id = bk_biz_id or "{{biz_id}}"
bk_biz_name = bk_biz_name or "{{biz_name}}"

def get_resource_path_info(resource: ResourceMeta):
if ResourceEnum.BUSINESS not in [resource, resource.parent]:
paths = []
paths = [[{"system": "bk_cmdb", "type": "biz", "id": "{{biz_id}}", "name": "{{biz_name}}"}]]
paths = [[{"system": "bk_cmdb", "type": "biz", "id": bk_biz_id, "name": bk_biz_name}]]
return {"system": resource.system_id, "type":, "paths": paths}

resources__actions_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
biz_maintain_migrate_content: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
resource_topo_auth_content: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []

# 聚合相同资源的动作
for action in _all_actions.values():
if label not in action.common_labels:
for action in res_actions:
resource_ids = ",".join([ for resource in action.related_resource_types])

Expand All @@ -189,12 +196,90 @@ def get_resource_path_info(resource: ResourceMeta):
resource_infos = [get_resource_path_info(resource) for resource in resource_metas]
# 生成action的迁移信息
action_infos = [{"id": id} for id in action_ids]
{"system": BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, "actions": action_infos, "resources": resource_infos}
{"system": env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, "actions": action_infos, "resources": resource_infos}

return resource_topo_auth_content

def generate_iam_biz_maintain_json(label: str = CommonActionLabel.BIZ_MAINTAIN, json_name: str = ""):
res_actions = [action for action in _all_actions.values() if label in action.common_labels]
biz_maintain_migrate_content = generate_resource_topo_auth(res_actions)

# 生成json文件
json_name = json_name or "biz_maintain_migrate.json"
migrate_json_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, f"backend/iam_app/migration_json_files/{json_name}")
with open(migrate_json_path, "w+") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(biz_maintain_migrate_content, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))

def assign_auth_to_group(iam: IAM, biz: AppCache, group_id):
biz_actions = [action for action in _all_actions.values() if not in [_("全局设置"), _("资源管理")]]
auth_contents = generate_resource_topo_auth(biz_actions, bk_biz_id=biz.bk_biz_id, bk_biz_name=biz.bk_biz_name)
for auth_info in auth_contents:
ok, message, data = iam._client.grant_user_group_actions(env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, group_id, data=auth_info)
if not ok:
raise BaseIAMError(_("用户组添加授权失败,错误信息: {}").format(message))

def assign_auth_to_dba(bk_biz_id: int, group_name: str, members: list):
创建用户组 ---> 给用户组分配权限 ---> 成员加入用户组
biz = AppCache.objects.get(bk_biz_id=bk_biz_id)
manager_id = env.BK_IAM_GRADE_MANAGER_ID
iam = Permission.get_iam_client()

# 创建用户组
group_data = {"groups": [{"name": group_name, "description": group_name}]}
ok, message, data = iam._client.create_user_groups(env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, manager_id, data=group_data)
if not ok:
raise BaseIAMError(_("创建用户组失败,错误信息: {}").format(message))

# 对用户组分配权限,动作不包含资源管理和全局设置
group_id = data[0]
assign_auth_to_group(iam, biz, data[0])

# 对用户组添加成员,默认过期时间是1年
expired_at = int(time.time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 12)
members = [{"type": "user", "id": member} for member in members]
add_members_data = {"members": members, "expired_at": expired_at}
ok, message, data = iam._client.add_user_group_members(env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, group_id, data=add_members_data)
if not ok:
raise BaseIAMError(_("用户组添加成员{}失败,错误信息: {}").format(members, message))

def flush_groups_auth():
iam = Permission.get_iam_client()
manager_id = env.BK_IAM_GRADE_MANAGER_ID

# 查询包含DBA名称的用户组,默认不超过500
params = {"name": "DBA", "page_size": 500, "page": 1}
ok, message, data = iam._client.query_user_groups(env.BK_IAM_SYSTEM_ID, manager_id, data=params)
if not ok:
raise BaseIAMError(_("用户组查询失败,错误信息: {}").format(message))
# 匹配{biz_name}_DBA(#{biz_id})这样格式的用户组
dba_group_pattern = re.compile(r"^.*?_DBA\(#[0-9]*\)$")
dba_groups = [group for group in data["results"] if dba_group_pattern.match(group["name"])]

# 刷新权限
for group in dba_groups:
# 提取用户组ID和业务
group_id, name = group["id"], group["name"]
biz = AppCache.objects.get(bk_biz_name=name.split("_DBA")[0])
# 分配权限
assign_auth_to_group(iam, biz, group_id)
except Exception as e:
raise BaseIAMError(_("用户组{}刷新失败,错误信息:{}").format(group, e))
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions dbm-ui/backend/iam_app/handlers/
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TencentBlueKing is pleased to support the open source community by making 蓝鲸智云-DB管理系统(BlueKing-BK-DBM) available.
Copyright (C) 2017-2023 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

from iam import IAM as BaseIAM
from iam.api.client import Client as IAMClient
from iam.api.http import http_get, http_post, http_put

class Client(IAMClient):

# 创建用户组
def create_user_groups(self, system_id, grade_manager_id, data):
path = "/api/v2/open/management/systems/{system_id}/grade_managers/{grade_manager_id}/groups/".format(
system_id=system_id, grade_manager_id=grade_manager_id
ok, message, data = self._call_iam_api(http_post, path, data)
return ok, message, data

# 用户组授权
def grant_user_group_actions(self, system_id, group_id, data):
path = "/api/v2/open/management/systems/{system_id}/groups/{group_id}/policies".format(
system_id=system_id, group_id=group_id
ok, message, data = self._call_iam_api(http_post, path, data)
return ok, message, data

# 添加用户组成员
def add_user_group_members(self, system_id, group_id, data):
path = "/api/v2/open/management/systems/{system_id}/groups/{group_id}/members".format(
system_id=system_id, group_id=group_id
ok, message, data = self._call_iam_api(http_post, path, data)
return ok, message, data

# 查询用户组
def query_user_groups(self, system_id, grade_manager_id, data):
path = "/api/v2/open/management/systems/{system_id}/grade_managers/{grade_manager_id}/groups".format(
system_id=system_id, grade_manager_id=grade_manager_id
ok, message, data = self._call_iam_api(http_get, path, data)
return ok, message, data

# 更新用户组名字和描述
def update_user_groups(self, system_id, group_id, data):
path = "/api/v2/open/management/systems/{system_id}/groups/{group_id}/".format(
system_id=system_id, group_id=group_id
ok, message, data = self._call_iam_api(http_put, path, data)
return ok, message, data

class IAM(BaseIAM):
def __init__(
self, app_code, app_secret, bk_iam_host=None, bk_paas_host=None, bk_apigateway_url=None, api_version="v2"
super().__init__(app_code, app_secret, bk_iam_host, bk_paas_host, bk_apigateway_url, api_version)
self._client = Client(app_code, app_secret, bk_iam_host, bk_paas_host, bk_apigateway_url)
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion dbm-ui/backend/iam_app/handlers/
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
from blueapps.account.models import User
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
from iam import IAM, DummyIAM, MultiActionRequest, ObjectSet, Request, Resource, Subject, make_expression
from iam import DummyIAM, MultiActionRequest, ObjectSet, Request, Resource, Subject, make_expression
from iam.apply.models import (
Expand All @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
from backend.iam_app.dataclass.actions import ActionEnum, ActionMeta, _all_actions
from backend.iam_app.dataclass.resources import ResourceEnum, ResourceMeta, _all_resources
from backend.iam_app.exceptions import ActionNotExistError, GetSystemInfoError, PermissionDeniedError
from backend.iam_app.handlers.client import IAM
from backend.utils.local import local

logger = logging.getLogger("root")
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