用于 rollup 或者 vite 来开发浏览器插件的热更新插件,只要你现在写的浏览器插件项目中有 background 模块,用它就完事了(用不了的话辛苦发下 issue ,我看到会处理的)。
rollup/vite based on the development of browser hmr plugin
Use npm/yarn to install the plugin:
# npm
npm install -D rollup-plugin-chrome-extensions-hmr
# yarn
yarn add rollup-plugin-chrome-extensions-hmr
To to the plugin, add the following code in rollup/vite config:
import chromeExtensionsHmr from 'rollup-plugin-chrome-extensions-hmr';
import { resolve } from "path";
export default {
// ....
plugins: [
backgroundPath: path.resolve(pagesDir, "background", "index.ts"),
needWatchMode: true
Params | Type | Default Value | Description |
backgroundPath | string | - | the physical address of background module |
needWatchMode | boolean | true | is used in watch mode |