Application receives metrics, stores and display them in the dashboard with visual charts and reports.
Application is for:
- Software Engineers
- Bussiness Analysts
- Product Owner
Use cases:
- health monitoring of nodes/clusters
- logging of errors
- usage of features
- etc.
- Quick way to check nodes status
- Collect JVM stats
- Track user history
- Don’t use debug logging :)
+--------+ +-------+
| | UDP | |
| System +---------->+ Stats |
| | | |
+--------+ +-+---+-+
| |
+-----------+ | | +-----+
| | TCP | | | |
| Dashboard +<----+ +---->+ KVS |
| | | |
+-----------+ +-----+
See details in presentation.pdf
Before you start you need to have npm
One-time setup:
brew install bower purescript
To compile code:
If you need REPL:
npx spago repl
To see the result do:
open resources/index.html
Do sbt run
deploySsh mon
Metric: metric::<system-name>::<node-name>::<param-name>::<param-value>
Message: history::<casino>::<user>::<json>
Error: 'error::<system-name>::<node-name>::<error-message>::<stack-trace>
is a stack trace list in JSON-format. For example,
Time is added automatically
nc -u 50123
echo -n "<data>" >/dev/udp/<stats-server>/<udp-port>
Library for sending messages to Stats.
It can be configured using conf-file
stats.client {
enabled = <true|false|on|off> # default is false
remote {
host = <Stats host> # default is
port = <Stats port> # default is 50123
Some of Metric's functionality is added automatically when you add ActorSystem Extension. See table:
Metric | Metric alias | Period |
Boot time | uptime | 5 sec |
CPU load | cpu.load | 15 sec |
Used memory | mem.used | 1 min |
Free memory | | 1 min |
Total memory | | 1 min |
File storage used space | root./.used | 1 hour |
File storage free space | root./.free | 1 hour |
File storage total space | root./.total | 1 hour |
File storage metrics is sent only for Linux or MacOs file system.
You can send your special metric using method def stats.client.ClientExtension.sendMetric(param: String, value: String)
stats.metric("name", "value")
For sending error message use method def stats.client.Stats.error(msg: Option[String], cause: Throwable)
stats.error("test ex", new Exception("err"))
Also you can use logger stats.client.Logger
in application.conf:
akka {
loggers += metrics.client.Logger