This project is part of a larger study examining the human social characteristics and environmental characteristics shaping human-coyote interactions in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. These files use social data collected by the American Community Survey (US Census) and environmental data from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (
The figure below shows a version of this raster that was used in an analysis of coyote behavioral data (Zepeda et al. 2023).
The social raster contains data on the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics
of people living in the Chicago Metropolitan Area. This file extracts American
Community Survey data on the income, race, and population density of designated
areas using the tidycensus package. After extracting data at the Census block group
level, it rasterizes the spatial data to a resolution of 30
In urban areas, social system characteristics influence environmental characteristics beyond the residents' private property. For instance, pollutant concentrations tend to be negatively associated with an area's median income. To account for this spatial autocorrelation in the effect of human social characteristics on the environment, this kriging interpolation estimates the social characteristics of areas with no human population e.g. city parks. Note: The interpolation is computationally intensive and was therefore performed on a supercomputing cluster.
Using a shapefile containing land use data from the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for
Planning previously rasterized to a 300
This file reprojects, resamples, and combines the social and environmental rasters into one raster brick containing layers for each characteristic.