The provided application simulates a straightforward payment process.
- The user inputs the payment amount.
- A dialog prompts the user to enter their card number, simulating a customer tapping or inserting their card.
- Transaction being processed by the bank.
- Following the transaction processing, a receipt screen is displayed.
Develop a simple application that interfaces with the provided payment app to exchange and manage data related to payment transactions. This involves sending transaction details to a loyalty application, applying potential discounts, and adjusting the final charge amount based on these interactions.
- Before initiating contact with the bank, the application should send transaction details to the Loyalty Application.
- Based on the response from the Loyalty Application, proceed with the modified transaction amount.
- Include an option to set a specific discount on incoming transactions.
- If the amount is set to 0 this means that there is no discount applied.
- If the discount covers the entire amount, conclude the process without contacting the bank.
- If there remains an amount to be charged after applying the discount, instruct the payment application to continue the process with the bank with the updated amount.
- If there’s no discount amount, the payment application should complete the transaction normally.
- UI Design: There is no requirement to focus on developing the user interface; You’ll not be assessed based on the UI Design.
- Discount Logic: Implement a simple discount mechanism. The discount is either a flat amount applied directly or no discount at all.
- Fork the existing payment application repository to start working on your modifications.
- Create a new repository for the Loyalty Demo Application and upload your app there.
- Submit links to both repositories upon completion.