IaC repository for managing my home kubespray cluster made up of Raspberry Pi's
If building the cluster as-new, goto this doc.
git submodule update
source venv/bin/activate
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i inventory/homelab/homelab.ini --become --become-user=root playbooks/cluster.yml
mv ~/.kube/homelab ~/.kube/homelab.bak && cp -rp inventory/homelab/artifacts/admin.conf ~/.kube/homelab
git submodule update
source venv/bin/activate
cd ansible/kubespray
git pull
git checkout ${desired_kubespray_release_tag}
pip install requirements.txt
cd ../
ansible-playbook -i inventory/homelab/homelab.ini --become --become-user=root --user zbialik playbooks/cluster.yml
- Configure env
git submodule update source venv/bin/activate cd ansible
- Run the
for the desired host (WARNING: this will reboot the server)ansible-playbook -i inventory/homelab/homelab.ini --become --become-user=root --user zbialik playbooks/raspberrypi-patch.yml --limit=$NODE_NAME
- Run the
playbook for all hostsansible-playbook -i inventory/homelab/homelab.ini --become --become-user=root --user zbialik kubespray/facts.yml
- Run the
playbook for the desired hostansible-playbook -i inventory/homelab/homelab.ini --become --become-user=root --user zbialik playbooks/scale.yml --limit=$NODE_NAME
- Prepare the
by draining all workloadskubectl drain $NODE_NAME --ignore-daemonsets --delete-local-data
- Configure the ansible env
git submodule update source venv/bin/activate cd ansible
- Run the
for the desired host (WARNING: this will reboot the server)ansible-playbook -i inventory/homelab/homelab.ini --become --become-user=root --user zbialik raspberrypi-patch.yml --limit=$NODE_NAME
- Uncordon the
kubectl uncordon $NODE_NAME
Only perform the following when you want to completely rebuild the kubernetes cluster.
git submodule update
source venv/bin/activate
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i inventory/homelab/homelab.ini --become --become-user=root --user zbialik kubespray/reset.yml
I DuckDNS as a free service to host my DNS records under the following subdomain: zeb17.duckdns.org
I must update the subdomain IP every 30 days, and can automate that with curl commands.
- DuckDNS hosts subdomain
which targets ingress-controller's internal IP (
Update record like so:
curl -g "https://www.duckdns.org/update/zeb17-int/${DUCKDNS_TOKEN}/"
I've since disabled external access, but if I were to set this up again, I'd start with something like:
- DuckDNS hosts subdomain
which targets ingress-controller's internal IP (
). - Setup Port Forwarding (in NAT forwarding section in my Archer C7 router) to route
on ingress-controller's internal IP (
Update record like so:
curl -g "https://www.duckdns.org/update/zeb17-ext/${DUCKDNS_TOKEN}/"
NOTE: I would want to do some network segmentation here ideally. Maybe using a separate set of ingress controllers for the externally reachable records and hosting these on isolated hosts.