Example usage: use the following command in the current directory. Notice: If you are using a Windows machine, change all of the '' (backslash) symbols to '/' (slash)!
For running unsmoothed language model:
python3 src/main.py data/train/ data/dev/ output/results_dev_unsmoothed.csv --unsmoothed
For running laplace smoothed language model:
python3 src/main.py data/train/ data/dev/ output/results_dev_laplace.csv --laplace
For running interpolated language model:
python3 src/main.py data/train/ data/dev/ output/results_dev_interpolation.csv --interpolation
For knowing which N was selected as the best fit and what was the accuracy of the LM:
For the unsmoothed language model:
python3 src/main.py data/train/ data/dev/ output/ --bestUnsmoothed
For the laplace smoothed language model:
python3 src/main.py data/train/ data/dev/ output/ --bestLaplace
For the interpolated language model:
python3 src/main.py data/train/ data/dev/ output/ --bestInterpolation
The data can be found in data/train and the development data can be found in data/dev.