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Procrastiproxy Open-Source reverse proxy

Procrastiproxy is a simple, configurable proxy that helps you focus by blocking distracting websites.

curl | bash

Example: block reddit and twitter during work hours

procrastiproxy --block,

Procrastiproxy implements an in-memory, mutable list for tracking hosts that should be blocked. This in-memory list allows for fast (O(1) or "constant time") look-ups of blocked hosts.

graph TD
A[User] -->|Itches to browse something distracting| B(GET
B --> C(Procrastiproxy)
C --> D{Should this request be allowed?}
D -->|It's not working hours| E(Allow Request)
D -->|It's time to work!| F(Access denied!)

Getting started

Install with one command

To install procrastiproxy as a command-line interface (CLI) tool, you can execute the install script:

curl | bash

Install as a library

You can import procrastiproxy into your own project:


Install via Go

You can install and use procrastiproxy as a command line interface (CLI) tool:

go install

Build from source and run locally

go build -o procrastiproxy ./cmd

./procrastiproxy --port 8001


Configurable and dynamic block list

The block list is kept in-memory and is implemented as a map for fast lookups. You can set your baseline block list in .procrastiproxy.yaml. It can be modified at runtime via the admin control endpoints described below.

Admin control

Make a request to the <server-root>/admin/ path, passing either block or unblock followed by a host, like so:

Add a new host to the block list

curl http://localhost:8001/admin/block/

Remove a host from the block list

curl http://localhost:8001/admin/unblock/

Office hours

If a request is made to procrastiproxy within the configured office hours, the request will be examined and blocked if its host is on the block list. If a request is made to procrastiproxy outside of the configured office hours, it will be allowed.

Running tests

Procrastiproxy comes complete with tests to verify its functionality.

go test