- This is an OData Web Server to consume any Intersystems IRIS %Persistent class as an OData REST Service.
- OData is an open source market pattern to expose data as REST Service without programming.
- OData specification v4 is mantained by OASIS in: https://www.odata.org/.
- This product uses: Apache Olingo (to implement OData v4), Spring Boot to run as a microservice.
- Clone from: https://github.com/yurimarx/isc-iris-odata.git
- Go to: isc-iris-odata folder
- Execute: mvnw install (MS Windows) or ./mvnw install (linux or mac)
- Execute: docker build -t odata:1.0.0 .
- Execute: docker run -p 8080:8080 odata:1.0.0
- Go to: isc-iris-odata folder
- Execute: mvnw spring-boot:run
- Access http://localhost:8080/
- Set database parameters and submit
- Stop and start again the docker instance or spring application to run with new parameters
- Access http://localhost:8080/odata.svc/ to list entities (only persistent entities will be presented)
- To list entity data access http://localhost:8080/odata.svc/EntityName
- To detail entity data access http://localhost:8080/odata.svc/EntityName(1)
- If you want return results in json format use http://localhost:8080/odata.svc/Animal?$format=application/json
- YouTube: https://youtu.be/9lhkuPfQ-R8