What's Changed
- Update readthedocs python and ubuntuversion used by @jzuhone in #461
- BUG: fix backward compatibility for calling np.histogram with implicit range units by @neutrinoceros in #466
- BUG: fix an issue where array functions would raise UnitConsistencyError on unyt arrays using non-default unit registries by @neutrinoceros in #463
- TST: minimize build time in tox runs by @neutrinoceros in #426
- BUG: fix an issue where array functions would crash (AttributeError) when passed non-ndarray array like objects (e.g. Python lists) by @neutrinoceros in #464
- DOC: update pyenv commands in docs by @neutrinoceros in #467
- Update history for v3.0.1 by @jzuhone in #468
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1