- list all commands.#hello bot
- say hello to our bot.#inspire
- Returns random quotes.#new-sentece
- add new encouragments senteces [Syntax :!new
- delete the sentece/quote from the database. [Syntax :!del
index_value ]#list-sentece
- list all the senteces present in the data base which has been added by a particular user.#respond true/false
- responding on negative vibes word feature on/off.#add-event
- adds new event [Syntax :!add-event : event_name : event_date : event_time
- list all the current event in the database\n9.!del-event
- delete a event [ Syntax:!del-event index_value
- random meme#joke
- return random joke#help
- view all commads#syntax
- to list all syntax#celebrate
- celebrate with our bot#git search
- get the link of a user github profile
Working on some new and intresting features