For iOS:
- Set the value of "GADApplicationIdentifier" in HelloCordova-Info.plist with a proper Admob App ID
For Android:
- Set the value of "ANDROID_ADMOB_APP_ID" in AndroidManifest with a proper Admob App ID. File in located in platforms/android/app/src/main
With the latest version of AdMob there are some delegate methods that are no longer supported, because they were deprecated or removed by AdMob's SDK.
Events exposed from the interface are not effect and they still function as intended:
- createBannerView
- requestRewardedAd
- requestInterstitialAd
- showBannerAd
- showInterstitialAd
- showRewardedAd
- destroyBannerView
The events that are no longer fired from native plugin are:
- onAdLeftApplication
- onRewardedAdVideoStarted
- onRewardedAdVideoCompleted