reNgine 2.0.1
2.0.1 fixes a ton of issues in reNgine 2.0.
- Prevent duplicating Nuclei vulns for subdomain #1012 @psyray
- Fixes for empty subdomain returned during nuclei scan #1011 @psyray
- Add all the missing slug in scanEngine view & other places #1005 @psyray
- Foxes for missing vulscan script #1004 @psyray
- Fixes for missing slug in report settings saving #1003
- Fixes for Nmap Parsing Error #1001 #1002 @psyray
- Fix nmap script ports iterable args #1000 @psyray
- Iterate over hostnames when multiple #1002 @psyray
- Gau install #998, change gauplus to gau @psyray
- Add missing slug parameter in schedule scan #996 @psyray
- Add missing slug parameter in schedule scan #996, fixes #940, #937, #897, #764 @psyray
- Add stack trace into make logs if DEBUG True #994 @psyray
- Fix dirfuzz base64 name display #993 #992 @psyray
- Fix target subdomains list not loading #991 @psyray
- Change WORDLIST constant value #987, fixes #986@psyray
- fix(notification_settings): submitting results in error 502 #981 fixes #970 @psyray
- Fixes with documentation and installation/update/uninstall scripts @AnonymousWP
- Fix file directory popup not showing in detailed scan #912 @psyray
@AnonymousWP and @psyray have been phenomenal in fixing these bugs. Thanks to both of you! ❤️ 🚀