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This repository holds the software for the batheymetry data editing software used by David Sandwell and his students, working in collaboration with Yoav Freund and his students.

Organization of the software

The raw data is in .cm files. There is a master index file called sid_filelist.txt

Initial filtering software

This software is called CM_EDIT. It takes as input a file corresponding to a single cruise. Display the data visually using apple xcode and lets the user flag (9999) the noisy measurements.

Assemble the information from a geographic area.

The information from the edited raw data is windowed and then used to create a full image using interpolation. This is performed by the following software:

maketile script runs the following steps.

  1. GMT/block-median: remove outliers using a median filter.
  2. GMT/grd_track: removes a model depth from the data (computes residual)
  3. GMT/surface: Interpolation of the residual generates a grid of image. (netcdf files)
  4. GMT/grdmath: Add the residual grid back the current map.
  5. GMT/landmask: creates a grid of land masks. (is it land or ocean).
  6. GMT/grdmath: Combines topography and bathymetry based on the land mask.
  7. GMT/create the map: produce the geotiff.

Stereo toolkit from NASA

Takes as input the geotiff and produces a pyrmidal representation that can be used in google maps (kml files)

Human correction

A human goes through the google map and marks polygons at the places that are judged incorrect.

Software that takes the polygons and marks (9999) those locations in the measurements (cm files)

Machine Learning Software.

Organization of the repository.



organization PRIMARY KEY(organization_id)
organization_id int
name varchar(255)
access_method varchar(255)


source_id int4
file_path varchar


pings PRIMARY KEY(ping_id)
ping_id int
time int4
longitude float8
latitude float8
depth float8
sigma_h float8
sigma_d float8
source_id int4
predicted_depth float8
predicted_bad float8
organization_id int


  • "pings_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (ping_id)
  • "pings__depth_btree_index" btree (depth)
  • "pings__source_id_btree_index" btree (source_id)
  • "pings_organization_id_btree_index" btree (organization_id)
  • "pings_predicted_bad_btree_index" btree (predicted_bad)
  • "pings_latitude_btree_index" btree (latitude)
  • "pings_longitude_btree_index" btree (longitude)

Human editing software

dev environment installation

First install the Anaconda Python distribution:

Then in a terminal run:

conda create --name pycmeditor
source activate pycmeditor
conda install -c clinicalgraphics vtk
conda install
conda install wxpython=4.0.1
conda install folium

To run the app use:


The there is a demo .cm file to load in the human_editing branch.


Dev branch is called: human_editing

Once software is completed, a pip package will be created for distributing.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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