Give me a color and I'll name it.
Color Namer is an npm package for use in Node.js or the browser that calculates color distance using the Delta-E color difference technique. Given a color in Hexadecimal RGB, RGBA, HSL, or HSV format, it converts the color to the Lab* color space, then calculates the color's Euclidean distance from a set of colors with known names.
Mike Bostock of D3 fame explains it well:
Lab and HCL color spaces are special in that the perceived difference between two colors is proportional to their Euclidean distance in color space. This special property, called perceptual uniformity, makes them ideal for accurate visual encoding of data. In contrast, the more familiar RGB and HSL color spaces distort data when used for visualization.
The color names are derived from several lists:
- roygbiv
- basic
- html - the HTML color names.
- x11 - The list that preceded the HTML color names
- pantone
- ntc, an astounding collection of over 1500 named colors.
- zeplin, Color palette from Zeplin app
npm install color-namer --save
Require the module:
var namer = require('color-namer')
var names = namer("#FF0000")
From the above code, names
will have a key for each list:
Each list is an array of colors, sorted by their perceptual similarity to the given color:
{ name: 'red',
hex: '#FF0000',
distance: 0
name: 'orangered',
hex: '#FF4500',
distance: 13.170205025755513
name: 'tomato',
hex: '#FF6347',
distance: 31.733444038510665
name: 'crimson',
hex: '#DC143C',
distance: 35.38084849496472
name: 'firebrick',
hex: '#B22222',
distance: 40.71076805218006
name: 'coral',
hex: '#FF7F50',
distance: 42.340752375722616
name: 'chocolate',
hex: '#D2691E',
distance: 44.378454180212145
Other input format work too like HSL, RGB, and RGBA:
This option allows us to derive names from the dedicated lists for faster computation.
var names = namer(color, { pick: ['basic', 'x11'] })
// output: { basic: [...], x11: [...] }
The opposite of options.pick
var names = namer(color, { omit: ['pantone', 'roygbiv'] })
// output: { basic: [...], html: [...], x11: [...], ntc: [...], zeplin: [...] }
If 'deltaE', use the Delta-E distance function, otherwise uses default distance function.
var names = namer(color, { pick: ['basic'], distance: 'deltaE' });
// output: { basic: [...] }
npm install
npm test