This program generates index.html files based on a file directory tree. Think Apache mod_autoindex. See It is written in Kotlin.
html4tree is copyrighted free software by Yamir Encarnación <[email protected]>. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT license(see the file LICENSE).
To compile:
$ ./gradlew
To obtain help:
java -jar ./build/libs/html4tree.jar -h
Usage: html4tree [OPTIONS] TOPDIR
--max-level INT Number of levels deep for which to generate an index.html
-h, --help Show this message and exit
TOPDIR Top directory to crawl
To run:
$ java -jar ./build/libs/html4tree.jar <top directory to index>
To only generate the index.html file for the top directory:
$ java -jar ./build/libs/html4tree.jar <top directory to index> --max-level 0
To exclude files place a .html4ignore
file in the directory you wish to exclude particular files with each line of the file containing a valid regular expression that would match the filename you wish to exclude.
example: to exclude files that end in .txt
you could use the following in the .html4ignore
To delete all the index.html files generated with one command, do:
$ find <top directory to crawl> -name index.html -delete