Clone with submodules (since some courses have their own repositories I've bound them as submodules of this root repository):
git clone --recursive [email protected]:ysyesilyurt/Metu-CENG.git
Alternatively, if you didn't use --recursive
option while cloning, you can type:
cd Metu-CENG
git submodule init
git submodule update
Some intro to ceng/cs stuff written in python
Every assignment given in the course
Implementations of several data structures with various scenarios, written in C++
Some verilog stuff
Many tasks done in prolog, haskell, and C++ to understand concepts in different programming languages.
Contains a solution for an advanced graph algorithm, written in C++
A task which aims to make people familiar with reverse engineering
A task which aims to teach people how to smash the stack for fun & profit
A task which aims to foster the fundamental concepts reside behind the y86-64 architecture
A task which aims to teach optimization methodoligies for x86(64) architecture
A C implementation for Map Reduce programming model which aims to practice IPC
and general tools that is used for it.
A mining simulation implementation which aims to practice threading
and synchronization tools (like monitor
, CV
, mutex
and semaphore
) in linux.
A filecopy implementation which aims to practice EXT2
filesystem structure with copying a source file into a target folder without mounting the disk.
A simple led task which aims to practice fundamental I/O functionalities of ports
in PIC with buttons/leds, written in assembly.
An Implementation for space impact game which aims to practice Interrupt
and Timer
functionalities of PIC, written in assembly.
A simple voting simulation which aims to practice Interrupt
, Timer
and ADC
module functionalities of PIC, written in C. In this task, LCD
has also been used, an implementation for its driver has been provided.
A maze-runner-robot simulation/RTOS project which aims to practice necessities of Real-Time tasks, written in C with PicOS18 Kernel. Alarm
, Multitasking
and Event
functionalities of RTOS has been utilized.
An assignment for achieving familiarity with SQL through programming languages, implementation done in Java.
A B+Tree implementation as homework, done in Java.
Contains implementations for 3 Mini Projects assigned during the course based on PostgreSQL Databases
. Mainly about complex SQL queries
, Indexes
, Triggers
and Transaction
stuff done using psycopg.
Contains written solutions for 3 Written Homeworks assigned during the course. Keywords: SQL queries
, BCNF/Normalization
, Functional Dependency
, Assertion/Trigger
, Indexing
, Query Processing
, Query Optimization
, Transaction
, Scheduler
, Aries/Recovery
Contains an Integer Programming Operational Research case and its solution in OpenSolver with a report.
A multihomed network topology with various nodes are implemented with UDP and TCP socket applications and some experiments with netem/tc
done on it. Implementation done in python. Phase1 report and its README can be viewed for further details.
Same network topology extended and some experiments with netem/tc
done on it.
Specifically, a unique multihomed and pipelined Reliable Data Transfer Protocol (RDT) has been implemented on the topology with python. Phase2 report and its README can be viewed for further details.
Contains implementations for several assignments in Java to comprehend OOP principles as well as many cool stuff in Java such as Java-8 Streams and Lambdas.
Log Filtering tool which watches sources and filters them by user-given rules. Check 445-with-phases for separate phases of the project.
A complex (!), online and multiplayer 2D virus shooting game which lets you find your way up to the harsh levels and finally defeat the CoronaVirus King 🦠. A Containerized Spring Boot
on the backend and a JavaFX
application that is managed within another Spring Boot
application context on the frontend has been implemented. Visit submodule for some detailed visuals, documentation, testing etc.
Contains implementations for Ray Tracing and FRP rendering algorithms; also an interactive fly-through rendering implementation is done with OpenGL and programmable shaders in C++ and GLSL.
An attack to break (i.e. smash) RSA using different techniques such as common modulus attack
and power analysis
by ptrace
A notorious virus to hack
covidiots to stop them spreading Covid-19.
An attack to exploit a program running in the remote machine and escalate to root a shell?! 😈. Keywords: privilege escalation
, setuid
, root access
, stack-overflow
My senior year project repositories that is migrated from GitLab. Visit here for further information about VipAssistant© 😊