This script would not have been possible without the following people to name a few:
- ZFEbHVUE, main coder and tester
- Rion, 15KHz CRT Guru-Meditation
- myzar's Nvidia knowledge
- jfroco's work to output Batocera on a CRTs.
- rtissera's knowledge, enthusiasm and willingness to add 15 KHz patches.
- Calamity for his knowledge, drivers, tools and GroovyMame.
- Substring's work on GroovyArcade, SDL, KMS etcetera.
- D0023R Doozer's continued work at adding 15 KHz support to the Linux kernel.
- dmanlcf's work on keeping up to date for the 15khz patches for Batocera.
- Sirmagb (Thx for your modeline's geometry tool idea)
- Yavimaya (Thx for your code contribution)
- GecKoTDF
- Sirmagb
- krahsdevil (Emulation Station assets)
Build-CRT-15KHz-Batocera V32 to V35 and 36-dev-2022/10/28
First public release
This bash script will help you setup Batocera on a Crt in 15-25-31kHz
It comes pre-configured with the 7 most common Monitor Profiles generated with Switchres.
These pre-configured Monitor Profiles have 30+ resolutions added that should only be used with
Standalone Emulators
Native Linux Games
Non libretro Ports
Wine, Flatpak & Steam
For GroovyMame and Retroarch use video mode set to auto.
Monitor Profile info
generic_15 - Good all around profile for generic Crt's with a range between - 15625-15750 kHz
arcade_15 - Works well on normal consumer sets and has a wider range between - 15625-16200 kHz
arcade_15ex - Same as arcade_15 with a slightly higher range between - 15625-16500 kHz
arcade_15_25 - 15/25kHz Dual-sync arcade monitor - 15625-16200/24960-24960 kHz
arcade_15_25_31 - 15.7/25.0/31.5 kHz - Tri-sync arcade monitor - 15625-16200/24960-24960/31400-31500 Khz
ntsc - Consumer sets only capable of displaying 60Hz/525 - 15734.26-15734.26 Khz
pal - Consumer sets only capable of displaying 50Hz/625 - 15625.00-15625.00 Khz
AMD Cards are preferred.
Anything up to R9 380X will work. R5-R7-R9 Cards are highly recommended.
Intel have beentested and works somewhat.
Tested on Optilex 790 and 7010
It works with good on DisplayPort and somewhat on VGA (dotclock_min 25.0).
Nvidia Cards that are supported right now.
It works for Kelper / Maxwell / Pascal with Nvidia driver (best performances) and Nouveau
Tested on :
8400GS DVI-I / HDMI / VGA Only Nouveau with dotclock_min 0
Quadro K600 DVI-I Nvidia driver : dotclock_min 25.0 (Good performances) Nouveau : dotclock_min 0.0 (not so good perfomrance)
GTX 980 DVI-I / HMDI DVI-I : dotclock_min 0.0 HDMI : dotclock_min 25.0 Nouveau :
GTX 1050ti HDMI dotclock_min 25.0 (very good performances)
Display port (DP) works for all cards but it is only for Super-resolution 240p (no interlace here).
Turing works poorly only in 240p (tested on GTX 1650 HDMI/DP).
Conclusion with Nvidia cards, we recommand to use Maxwell 2.0 (Nvidia driver) Which has full support for 15KHz with DVI-I
and and with very good performance for GTX 970/980/980ti.