This application demonstrates the application of Hexagonal (or Ports & Adapters) architecture.
This application provides basic REST endpoints for managing library (add a new book, reserve , borrow it).
The technology behind it:
- Java 11
- Postgres
- Spring Boot
- Maven
- Sonar integration
- SOLID principles
- Hexagonal architecture
- Domain Driven Design
From the project root directory, run the following command:
$ docker-compose up
The Dockerfile
is optimised in such a way that it will only download the dependencies only if
the pom.xml
is changed.
Compile the application:
$ mvn clean package
Option 1 - Run it with in-memory database H2 (default profile)
$ mvn spring-boot:run
Option 2 - Use Postgres database instance
Update the configuration file - src/main/resources/application .yml
profile local-postgres and enter the database details.
Update the DB details and run:
$ mvn spring-boot:run -P local-postgres
Run tests:
$ mvn test
Run integration tests:
$ mvn test-integration
In a traditional application architecture, we normally have a web
layer where we usually have
all the controllers. This web
layer is then dependent on service
layer where we have all
the business logic. The service
layer then uses the dao
layer for persistence.
Hexagonal architecture puts the core application in the center and exposes several ports
. These
ports provide interfaces to connect to the application. The external infrastructure code like
database, web controllers implements the adapters
in order to connect to these ports
Here is how a typical application would look like.
In terms of our application, here is how it looks like.
Instead of web
, service
, and dao
layers, we have application
, domain
, and infrastructure
The application
package is responsible for the delivery mechanism of the application. It could be via REST APIs, console-based, or desktop application. In our case, it is REST APIs via Spring
The infrastructure
is responsible to provide necessary gluing code for the application to run
. In our case, it's the Spring
bean configuration.
Finally, there is the domain
which is the core of our application. The code in domain
is the business code. It does not have any dependency on frameworks or fancy libraries. In fact, just by looking at the domain
code, no one would be able to tell which framework is used or how the application is delivered.
Uncle Bob endorses this idea in his book Clean Architecture.
This logic safeguards our business logic from the external world.
The D in SOLID talks about Dependency Inversion. The Hexagonal architecture promotes that. Let's have a look at the dependency diagram for this application.
The core or the domain of our application does not depend on anything. It's a standalone entity. All the dependencies are inward and none is outward. Here the dependency is inverted. This meas that our application need not respond to the external changes.
Let's have a look at an example here. We will begin with the User domain as it is the simplest.
As we can see, the User domain consists of three parts application
, core
, and
The application
contains UserCommandController
which registers Spring
controller. The controller uses AddNewUser
port in order to serve the incoming requests.
public class UserCommandController {
private final AddNewUser addNewUser;
public ResponseEntity<String> addNewUser(@RequestBody AddUserCommand addUserCommand) {
return new ResponseEntity<>("New user was added to library", HttpStatus.CREATED);
The AddNewUser
is a simple interface. The UserDatabaseAdapter
adapter implements this interface.
public interface AddNewUser {
UserIdentifier handle(AddUserCommand addUserCommand);
The UserDatabaseAdapter
further uses the UserRepository
for persistence.
public class UserDatabaseAdapter implements UserDatabase {
private final UserRepository userRepository;
public UserIdentifier save(User user) {
User savedUser =;
return new UserIdentifier(savedUser.getIdentifierAsLong());
As we can figure out, the core
does not need to know whether the requests are coming from an API or console. Similarly, it doesn't care about whether the data is saved to RDBMS or file storage.
In fact, just to demonstrate, I have written the database adapter for borrowing
domain completely differently. Go check it out!
Basically, these adapters
are interchangeable as long as they fit in to the port
You will not find any references to Spring framework inside core. This is not just a recommendation but a requirement.
This can be asserted by unit tests:
@AnalyzeClasses(packages = {"com.yasinbee.libman.hex.domain.user"},
importOptions = {ImportOption.DoNotIncludeTests.class})
public class UserArchitectureTest {
public static final ArchRule hexagonalArchInUserDomain = onionArchitecture()
.adapter("infrastructure", "com.yasinbee.libman.hex.domain.user.infrastructure..");
public static final ArchRule noSpringDependenciesInUserFacade =
The above test asserts that anything in core must not be dependent on the Spring framework. Credits:
As we can see, we have two different ports, incoming
and outgoing
. The difference is that the requests coming in to the application are served by incoming
ports. The requests going out of the application are served by the outgoing
The CI CD pipeline utilizes automation tools and infrastructure-as-code for continuous deployment.
Here is the [link to the video]( .webm) explaining the build and deployment pipeline.
Basically, we push the code to master, Travis will start performing these steps.
- Build & test
- Create docker images
- Push docker images to docker hub
Once Travis pushes the images, it notifies Elasticbeanstalk and the deployment begins.
Here is how the overall setup for the application looks like.
Nginx is our proxy, and the App is our Spring
application running on port 8080
. The application
talks to the RDS instance running Postgres on port 5432
. The port 80
is exposed to the outside
world. No other ports are exposed.
I hope this sample gave you rough idea about the practical implementation of the hexagonal
architecture using Spring
and Java
. Finally, we saw how to create an end-to-end CD pipeline
using Travis, Docker and AWS.