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Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm passionate about coding, creativity, and continuous learning.
🎓 Academic Background: Currently in my seventh semester at Sir MVIT, pursuing a degree in Information Science and Engineering.
💻 Tech Enthusiast: Proficient in C++, JavaScript, Kotlin and Python, I enjoy building websites and Apps and do intresting projects.
🚀 Current Mission: Developing a comprehensive, multi-functional websites and apps that can be easily maintainable and easy to deploy.
// Languages I work with
let languages = ["C++", "C", "JavaScript", "TypeScript", "Kotlin", "EJS", "Python", "SQL"];
// Web Tech Stack
let webTechStack = ["React.js", "Node.js", "Express.js", "NEXT.js", "MongoDB", "PostgreSQL", "Postman", "HTML", "CSS", "Tailwind CSS", "Bootstrap", "Appwrite", "more..."];
// App Tech Stack
let appTechStack = ["Kotlin", "Android Studio", "Firebase", "more..."];
// Development Tools I use
let devTools = ["VS Code", "Android Studio", "Git", "GitHub", "Postman", "MongoDB Compass", "pg Admin 4", "mySQL Workbench", "Bash", "more..."];
// Some experience with
let experience = ["Hugging Face Models", "Langchain"];
// React Ecosystem Tools
let reactEcosystem = ["Redux", "RTK", "React Router", "Tanstack Query", "Shadcn-UI", "Material-UI"];
"FutureVision": {
"Goal": "Contribute to cutting-edge projects and grow in AI, web, app dev, and DevOps.",
"Aspirations": [
"Enhance user experiences and accessibility.",
"Build projects in OS, DBMS, and OOP.",
"Collaborate with diverse teams.",
"Engage in continuous learning."
"Commitment": "Strive for impactful contributions."
let interests = [
"Tackling complex UI designs",
"Solving algorithm challenges",
"Coding backend flows",
"Developing Android applications using Kotlin",
"Building projects related to operating systems",
"Exploring various technologies to enhance my skills"
🌐 Portfolio: Explore My Work --> Under Construction 🛠️
📫 LinkedIn: Connect with Me
🐦 Twitter: Follow Me