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React Joyride

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Joyride example image

View the demo here [source]

Support via Gratipay


npm install --save react-joyride


If you are using SCSS (and you should):

@import '~react-joyride/lib/react-joyride'

Or include this directly in your html:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/react-joyride/lib/react-joyride-compiled.css" type="text/css">

Getting Started

Include Joyride in the parent component.

import Joyride from 'react-joyride';

export class App extends React.Component {
  render: function () {
    return (
      <div className="app">
        run={true} // or some other boolean for when you want to start it
        <YourComponents .../>

Don't forget to pass a ref to the component.

Please refer to the source code of the demo if you need a practical example.


You can change the initial options passing props to the component.

steps {array}: The tour's steps. Defaults to []

stepIndex {number}: The initial step index. Defaults to 0

run {bool}: Run/stop the tour. Defaults to false

autoStart {bool}: Open the tooltip automatically for the first step, without showing a beacon. Defaults to false

keyboardNavigation {bool}: Toggle keyboard navigation (esc, space bar, return). Defaults to true

locale {object}: The strings used in the tooltip. Defaults to { back: 'Back', close: 'Close', last: 'Last', next: 'Next', skip: 'Skip' }

resizeDebounce {bool}: Delay the reposition of the current step while the window is being resized. Defaults to false

resizeDebounceDelay {number}: The amount of delay for the resizeDebounce callback. Defaults to 200

holePadding {number}: The gap around the target inside the hole. Defaults to 5

scrollOffset {number}: The scrollTop offset used in scrollToSteps. Defaults to 20

scrollToSteps {bool}: Scroll the page to the next step if needed. Defaults to true

scrollToFirstStep {bool}: Scroll the page for the first step. Defaults to false

showBackButton {bool}: Display a back button. Defaults to true

showOverlay {bool}: Display an overlay with holes above your steps (for tours only). Defaults to true

allowClicksThruHole {bool}: Allow mouse and touch events within overlay hole, and prevent hole:click callback from being sent. Defaults to false

showSkipButton {bool}: Display a link to skip the tour. Defaults to false

showStepsProgress {bool}: Display the tour progress in the next button e.g. 2/5 in continuous tours. Defaults to false

tooltipOffset {number}: The tooltip offset from the target. Defaults to 30

type {string}: The type of your presentation. It can be continuous (played sequentially with the Next button) or single. Defaults to single

disableOverlay {bool}: Don't close the tooltip on clicking the overlay. Defaults to false

debug {bool}: Console.log Joyride's inner actions. Defaults to false

callback {function}: It will be called when the tour's state changes and returns a single parameter:

  • entering a step { type: 'step:before', index: 0, step: {...} }
  • rendering the beacon { type: 'beacon:before', step: {...} }
  • triggering the beacon { type: 'beacon:trigger', step: {...} }
  • rendering the tooltip { type: 'tooltip:before', step: {...} }
  • closing a step { type: 'step:after', step: {...} }
  • clicking on the overlay (if not disabled) { type: 'overlay:click', step: {...} }
  • clicking on the hole { type: 'hole:click', step: {...} }
  • the target could not be found { type: 'error:target_not_found', step: {...} }
  • the tour ends. { type: 'finished', steps: [{...}], skipped: boolean }

The callback object also receives an action string ('start'|'next'|'back') and the step index.

Defaults to undefined



Call this method to reset the tour iteration back to 0

  • restart {boolean} - Starts the tour again

Call this method to programmatically advance to the next step.


Call this method to programmatically return to the previous step.


Add tooltips in your elements.

  • data {object} - A step object (check the syntax below)


Retrieve the current progress of your tour. The object returned looks like this:

  index: 2,
  percentageComplete: 50,
  step: {
    title: "...",
    text: "...",
    selector: "...",
    position: "...",

Please don't use the start and stop methods anymore. Instead use a combination of the props run and autoStart.

Step Syntax

There are some usable options but you can pass custom parameters.

  • title: The title of the tooltip
  • text: The tooltip's body text
  • selector: The target DOM selector of your feature (required)
  • position: Relative position of you beacon and tooltip. It can be one of these:top, top-left, top-right, bottom, bottom-left, bottom-right, right and left. This defaults to top.
  • type: The event type that trigger the tooltip: click or hover. Defaults to click
  • isFixed: If true, the tooltip will remain in a fixed position within the viewport. Defaults to false.
  • allowClicksThruHole: Set to true to allow pointer-events (hover, clicks, etc) or touch events within overlay hole. If true, the hole:click callback will not be sent. Defaults to false. Takes precedence over a allowClicksThruHole prop provided to <Joyride />
  • style: An object with stylesheet options.

Extra option for standalone tooltips

  • trigger: The DOM element that will trigger the tooltip

You can style the tooltip UI for each step with these options: backgroundColor, borderRadius, color, mainColor, textAlign and width.

You can also style header, main, footer, button, skip, back, close and hole independently using standard style options. Plus beacon offset, inner and outer colors and arrow visibility.


  title: 'First Step',
  text: 'Start using the <strong>joyride</strong>', // supports html tags
  selector: '.first-step',
  position: 'bottom-left',
  type: 'hover',
  isFixed: true,
  // optional styling
  style: {
    backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
    borderRadius: '0',
    color: '#fff',
    mainColor: '#ff4456',
    textAlign: 'center',
    width: '29rem',
    arrow: {
      display: 'none'
    beacon: {
      offsetX: 10,
      offsetY: 10,
      inner: '#000',
      outer: '#000'
    header: {
      textAlign: 'right'
      // or any style attribute
    main: {
      padding: '20px'
    footer: {
      display: 'none'
    skip: {
      color: '#f04'
    hole: {
      backgroundColor: 'rgba(201, 23, 33, 0.2)',
  // custom params...
  name: 'my-first-step',
  parent: 'MyComponentName'

SCSS Options


  • $joyride-color: The base color. Defaults to #f04
  • $joyride-zindex: Defaults to 1500
  • $joyride-overlay-color: Defaults to rgba(#000, 0.5)
  • $joyride-beacon-color: Defaults to $joyride-color
  • $joyride-beacon-size: Defaults to 36px
  • $joyride-hole-border-radius: Defaults to 4px
  • $joyride-hole-shadow: Defaults to 0 0 15px rgba(#000, 0.5)


  • $joyride-tooltip-arrow-size: You must use even numbers to avoid half-pixel inconsistencies. Defaults to 28px
  • $joyride-tooltip-bg-color: Defaults to #fff
  • $joyride-tooltip-border-radius: Defaults to 4px
  • $joyride-tooltip-color: The header and text color. Defaults to #555
  • $joyride-tooltip-font-size: Defaults to 16px
  • $joyride-tooltip-padding: Defaults to 20px
  • $joyride-tooltip-shadow: Sass list for drop-shadow. Defaults to (x: 1px, y: 2px, blur: 3px, color: rgba(#000, 0.3))
  • $joyride-tooltip-width: Sass list of Mobile / Tablet / Desktop sizes. Defaults to (290px, 360px, 450px)
  • $joyride-header-color: Defaults to $joyride-tooltip-header-color
  • $joyride-header-font-size: Defaults to 20px
  • $joyride-header-border-color: Defaults to $joyride-color
  • $joyride-header-border-width: Defaults to 1px
  • $joyride-button-bg-color: Defaults to $joyride-color
  • $joyride-button-color: Defaults to #fff
  • $joyride-button-border-radius: Defaults to 4px
  • $joyride-back-button-color: Defaults to $joyride-color
  • $joyride-skip-button-color: Defaults to #ccc
  • $joyride-close: Sass list for the close button: Defaults to (color: rgba($joyride-tooltip-color, 0.5), size: 12px, top: 10px, right: 10px)
  • $joyride-close-visible: Default to true;

Inspired by react-tour-guide and jquery joyride tour


Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your ReactJS apps.







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  • JavaScript 75.1%
  • CSS 19.3%
  • HTML 5.6%