Markdown Sticky is a simple, self-hosted, single-page note-taking application that allows users to write notes in Markdown and store them in the browser's local storage. It's designed to be as simple as possible, with no user authentication required. You can download the repository from GitHub and start using it by opening the index.html
file in your browser.
Markdown Sticky 是一个简单的、可本地部署、单页面记事应用,允许用户以 Markdown 格式编写便签,并将它们存储在浏览器的本地存储中。它的设计尽可能简单,无需用户认证。你可以从 GitHub 下载仓库,然后通过在浏览器中打开 index.html
- Write notes in Markdown (用 Markdown 编写便签)
- Drag and drop notes anywhere on the page (在页面上任意拖放便签)
- Resize notes (调整便签大小)
- Save notes in the browser's local storage (在浏览器的本地存储中保存便签)
- Import and export notes in JSON format (以 JSON 格式导入和导出便签)
- Simple and lightweight (简单轻量)
- No internet connection required (无需网络连接)
- No user authentication required (无需用户认证)
- Notes are not synced across devices (便签不会在设备间同步)
- Notes are lost if the browser's local storage is cleared (如果清除浏览器的本地存储,便签将会丢失)
- Download the repository from GitHub (从 GitHub 下载仓库)
- Open the
file in your browser (在浏览器中打开index.html
文件) - Start writing notes! (开始编写便签!)
Yarin Zhang
Power By GPT-4