Source code for cross-modality retrieval for Natural Language-informed Understanding of Molecule Graphs. Please go to MoMu to see the whole codebase.
If you want to explore our job, you can following the instructions in this section
- Step 1: Download the zip or clone the repository to your workspace.
- Step 2: Download the
from BaiduNetdisk(the Password is 1234). Create a new directory bymkdir all_checkpoints
and then put the downloaded model under the directory. Renamelittlegin=graphclinit_bert=kvplm_epoch=299-step=18300.ckpt
- Step 3: Download files from Sci-Bert. Create a new directory by
mkdir bert_pretrained
and then put these files under the directory. - Step 4: Install python environment. Some important requirements are listed as follows(In fact, the environment is the almost same as GraphTextPretrain, so you do not need to install again if you have follow its instructions):
Ubuntu 16.04.7 python 3.8.13 cuda 10.1 # pytorch pip install torch==1.8.1+cu101 torchvision==0.9.1+cu101 torchaudio==0.8.1 -f # torch_geometric # you can download the following *.whl files in wget wget wget pip install torch_cluster-1.5.9-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl pip install torch_scatter-2.0.8-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl pip install torch_sparse-0.6.12-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl pip install torch-geometric # transformers (4.18.0) pip install transformers # rdkit pip install rdkit-pypi # ogb pip install ogb # pytorch_lightning (1.6.2) pip install pytorch_lightning
The users may be going to use or edit the files below:
- Fine-tuning and testing code for cross-modality retrival.
- data/
- kv_data/: Pairs of (Graph, Text) data from KV-PLM a.k.a PCdes
- phy_data/: Pairs of (Graph, Text) data collected by us
- all_checkpoints/
- MoMu-S.ckpt: Pretrained model of MoMu-S
- MoMu-K.ckpt: Pretrained model of MoMu-K
- data_provider/
- Dataloader file
- model/
- Text encoder
- Graph encoder
- Constrastive model with text encoder and graph encoder
Zeroshot testing means cross-modality retrieval with origin MoMu. You can conduct zeroshot testing with differen settings as follows:
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --data_type 0 --if_test 2 --if_zeroshot 1 --pth_test data/phy_data
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --data_type 1 --if_test 2 --if_zeroshot 1 --pth_test data/phy_data
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --data_type 0 --if_test 2 --if_zeroshot 1 --pth_test data/kv_data/test
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --data_type 1 --if_test 2 --if_zeroshot 1 --pth_test data/kv_data/test
To make MoMu satisfy the cross-modality retrieval task better, you can finetune MoMu and then test. Befor fintuning, you should create a new directory to save finetuned model by mkdir finetune_save
# finetune MoMu and save as 'finetune_save/ '
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --output finetune_save/ --data_type 0 --if_test 0 --if_zeroshot 0
# test with fintuned model
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --output finetune_save/ --data_type 0 --if_test 2 --if_zeroshot 0
# finetune MoMu and save as 'finetune_save/ '
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --output finetune_save/ --data_type 1 --if_test 0 --if_zeroshot 0
# test with fintuned model
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --output finetune_save/ --data_type 1 --if_test 2 --if_zeroshot 0
Taking zeroshot testing on phy_data with paragraph-level as an example, we show the excuting result here. It takes almost 10s to calculate the accuracy of retrieval, while calculating the Rec@20 takes about 2mins.
python --init_checkpoint all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt --data_type 0 --if_test 2 --if_zeroshot 1 --pth_test data/phy_data
Namespace(batch_size=64, data_type=0, epoch=30, graph_aug='dnodes', if_test=2, if_zeroshot=1, init_checkpoint='all_checkpoints/MoMu-S.ckpt', lr=5e-05, margin=0.2, output='finetune_save/', pth_dev='data/kv_data/dev', pth_test='data/phy_data', pth_train='data/kv_data/train', seed=73, text_max_len=128, total_steps=5000, warmup=0.2, weight_decay=0)
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 87/87 [00:16<00:00, 5.31it/s]
Test Acc1: 0.4565587918015103
Test Acc2: 0.4317727436174038
Rec@20 1: 0.4579036317871269
Rec@20 2: 0.4348471772743617
This repository uses some code from KV-PLM. Thanks to the original authors for their work!
Please cite the following paper if you use the codes:
title={Natural Language-informed Understanding of Molecule Graphs},
author={Bing Su, Dazhao Du, Zhao Yang, Yujie Zhou, Jiangmeng Li, Anyi Rao, Hao Sun, Zhiwu Lu, Ji-Rong Wen},