A integrated framework for robotic task planning and execution monitoring
This framework integrates the ROSPlan symbolic task planning framework with the DESPOT POMDP solver, as well as develops a standarized ROS-interfaced middleware for realistic robotic plan execution.
Tested Operating Systems:
| Ubuntu 16.04 |ROS Kinetic | OS X (10.13.6) |
Tested Compilers: gcc | g++ 4.2.1 or above
Tested Hardware: Intel Core i7 CPU, 8.0 GB RAM
Get the prerequisites:
(for Kinetic)
sudo apt-get install flex ros-kinetic-move-base-msgs ros-kinetic-mongodb-store ros-kinetic-tf2-bullet freeglut3-dev python-catkin-tools
(for Indigo)
sudo apt-get install flex ros-indigo-mongodb-store ros-indigo-tf2-bullet freeglut3-dev python-catkin-tools
Clone the repository from Github (Recommended):
$ git clone https://github.com/yangshuo11/MOMDP-DESPOT-framework.git
To install DESPOT libraries and header files into your system directory:
$ cd despot
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ sudo make install
To integrate DESPOT into your project, add this to your CMakeLists.txt
find_package(Despot CONFIG REQUIRED)
To build ROSPlan package:
cd ROSPlan/
catkin build
DESPOT can be used to solve a POMDP specified in the POMDPX format. We illustrate this on the navigation problem present int the manuscript.
1.To run Navigation task, compile and run:
$ cd despot/examples/pomdpx_models
$ make
$ ./pomdpx -m ./data/ActionMonitorNew.pomdpx --runs 2
This command computes and simulates DESPOT's policy for N = 2
runs and reports the
performance for the Navigation problem specified in POMDPX format.
2.To startup the ROSPlan node and gazebo simulator for future execution of the above policy:
In the first terminal, begin the simulation, rviz visualisation, and ROSPlan nodes using the turtlebot.launch
from the rosplan_demos package:
roslaunch rosplan_demos turtlebot.launch
In the second terminal run turtlebot_explore.bash
, a script which
- adds to the knowledge base the PDDL objects and facts which comprise the initial state;
- adds the goals to the knowledge base; and
- calls the ROSPlan services which generate a plan and dispatch it.
rosrun rosplan_demos turtlebot_explore.bash
You should see the following output from the script:
waypoints: ['wp0', 'wp1', 'wp2', 'wp3', 'wp4', 'wp5']
Adding initial state and goals to knowledge base.
success: True
success: True
Calling problem generator.
Calling planner interface.
Calling plan parser.
Calling plan dispatcher.
- Execute the computed policy from DESPOT within the simulaor. The turtlebot will move around the waypoints, exploring the environment. You should see execution orders of both information-gathering and task achievement actions in the first terminal, something like:
KCL: (/rosplan_problem_interface) (problem.pddl) Generating problem file.
KCL: (/rosplan_problem_interface) (problem.pddl) The problem was generated.
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) Problem received.
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Writing problem to file.
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Running: timeout 10 /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_planning_system/common/bin/popf /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_demos/common/domain_turtlebot_demo.pddl /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_demos/common/problem.pddl > /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_demos/common/plan.pddl
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Planning complete
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Plan was solved.
KCL: (/rosplan_parsing_interface) Planner output received.
KCL: (/rosplan_parsing_interface) Parsing planner output.
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Plan received.
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Dispatching plan.
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Dispatching action [0, goto_waypoint, 0.804106, 10.000000]
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Feedback received [0, action enabled]