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A integrated framework for robotic task planning and execution monitoring

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A integrated framework for robotic task planning and execution monitoring

This framework integrates the ROSPlan symbolic task planning framework with the DESPOT POMDP solver, as well as develops a standarized ROS-interfaced middleware for realistic robotic plan execution.

Table of Contents


Tested Operating Systems:

| Ubuntu 16.04 |ROS Kinetic | OS X (10.13.6) |

Tested Compilers: gcc | g++ 4.2.1 or above

Tested Hardware: Intel Core i7 CPU, 8.0 GB RAM

Get the prerequisites:

(for Kinetic)

sudo apt-get install flex ros-kinetic-move-base-msgs ros-kinetic-mongodb-store ros-kinetic-tf2-bullet freeglut3-dev python-catkin-tools

(for Indigo)

sudo apt-get install flex ros-indigo-mongodb-store ros-indigo-tf2-bullet freeglut3-dev python-catkin-tools


Clone the repository from Github (Recommended):

$ git clone


To install DESPOT libraries and header files into your system directory:

$ cd despot
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make
$ sudo make install

To integrate DESPOT into your project, add this to your CMakeLists.txt file:

find_package(Despot CONFIG REQUIRED)



To build ROSPlan package:

cd ROSPlan/
catkin build

Quick Start

DESPOT can be used to solve a POMDP specified in the POMDPX format. We illustrate this on the navigation problem present int the manuscript.

1.To run Navigation task, compile and run:

$ cd despot/examples/pomdpx_models
$ make
$ ./pomdpx -m ./data/ActionMonitorNew.pomdpx --runs 2 

This command computes and simulates DESPOT's policy for N = 2 runs and reports the performance for the Navigation problem specified in POMDPX format.

2.To startup the ROSPlan node and gazebo simulator for future execution of the above policy:

In the first terminal, begin the simulation, rviz visualisation, and ROSPlan nodes using the turtlebot.launch from the rosplan_demos package:

roslaunch rosplan_demos turtlebot.launch

In the second terminal run turtlebot_explore.bash, a script which

  • adds to the knowledge base the PDDL objects and facts which comprise the initial state;
  • adds the goals to the knowledge base; and
  • calls the ROSPlan services which generate a plan and dispatch it.
rosrun rosplan_demos turtlebot_explore.bash

You should see the following output from the script:

waypoints: ['wp0', 'wp1', 'wp2', 'wp3', 'wp4', 'wp5']
Adding initial state and goals to knowledge base.
success: True
success: True
Calling problem generator.
Calling planner interface.
Calling plan parser.
Calling plan dispatcher.
  1. Execute the computed policy from DESPOT within the simulaor. The turtlebot will move around the waypoints, exploring the environment. You should see execution orders of both information-gathering and task achievement actions in the first terminal, something like:
KCL: (/rosplan_problem_interface) (problem.pddl) Generating problem file.
KCL: (/rosplan_problem_interface) (problem.pddl) The problem was generated.
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) Problem received.
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Writing problem to file.
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Running: timeout 10 /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_planning_system/common/bin/popf /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_demos/common/domain_turtlebot_demo.pddl /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_demos/common/problem.pddl > /home/michael/ros_indigo/turtlebot/src/rosplan/rosplan_demos/common/plan.pddl
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Planning complete
KCL: (/rosplan_planner_interface) (problem.pddl) Plan was solved.
KCL: (/rosplan_parsing_interface) Planner output received.
KCL: (/rosplan_parsing_interface) Parsing planner output.
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Plan received.
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Dispatching plan.
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Dispatching action [0, goto_waypoint, 0.804106, 10.000000]
KCL: (/rosplan_plan_dispatcher) Feedback received [0, action enabled]


A integrated framework for robotic task planning and execution monitoring






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