all the -jar projects have an executable jar file you can double click to lunch, ExcelToWordChart and ExcelToJavaTable both have a few excel table samples in ExcelFilesForTesting.
summery = using Basic NodeJS project i created listeners for both port 80 and 443 when 80 redirects to 443 which is https , created free certificate with lets ecrypt(now called certbot) and free hostname with free dns mapping on site called
added alert and auto ban for continues request spamming
added register and login which secured meaning any attempt to change cookies will clean them after server request
added chat that shows users viewing chat page live (if user not in chat page or in different tab or browser sleeping in phone then he wont show in chat list)
interview task = create an android app using google maps and upload a kml file polygon that when the user clicks on the map the program knows if it was clicked inside or outside the polygon and if outside show the closest distance to the polygon outline(dont look up or use online solution come up with your own).
summery = to find if the click was inside or out i simply took a snapshot and checked if the pixel rgb equal the rgb i set pre snapshot, to get the closest outline i took polygon points and added more points between a line in the polygon until the distance was some custom input and then just checked closest point to the click point.
youtube demo =
summery = basic register user and password to mongoDB.
using AngularJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Express and bootstrap css.
youtube demo =
summery = its a basic site that have register user option ,all registered users saved in the MySql database on registration, it uses Mysql username:root password:6780044 and a scheme called test(can be changed in the DatabaseConfig class)
usage of Tomcat, Maven, Spring, Hibernate, Velocity, MySql, Ajax.
youtube demo =
convert svg to png in javascript while holding all css changes of the svg and the font chosen, works with @media changes.
to make custom fonts work had to input svg text data into canvas data so i removed all the text elements and added them in the canvas(added only: text location, font type, fill color. so transform or other changes on text need to be added to work).
youtube demo =
"history" = college final project, given time - 6 months give or take.
brief task summery = reading a water meter photo number and sending it to a given phone by SMS.
GUI usages = the user can select from 3 languages English\Hebrew\Russian , add a phone number , select/take a photo to read from , see the algorithm step by step , change algorithm settings , rotate or crop the photo(custom crop function was made since camera crop lose info and in this algorithm its very crucial) , and surely execute the algorithm which sends the result in SMS.
in depth explanation = adding necessary files for the OCR by creating the same file name and inputting all the file information (do for each needed file) , importing external library called OpenCV(for image processing) and Tesseract OCR(for reading a cleaned image numbers,since library written in c++ NDK usage was required) then applying a grayscale filter on the photo(result in old "black and white" movie before was colored) , applying canny filter with calculated min/max from otsu(result can be seen here: , apply HoughLines function which finds lines with length under the given maximum(instead of given maximum created a function that only required how many line samples the user want which can be changed in GUI settings) , applying dilate and erode(can be changed in settings) which used to "fatten" the line abit before counting , using the found lines a custom function chooses the 2 longest lines by counting , using the found lines points we rotate and cut the image , then we draw 2 black lines(size can be adjusted in settings) at the position of found lines to "open" numbers that might be isolated by a square to prepare for Floodfill( , using function Floodfill on point(0,0) using color white to fill all the exterior in white except the needed numbers , now we left with the nubmers and noise that needs to be cleaned and it is done using custom function which uses lists and Floodfill to clean the noise(basically seperate each black part horizontically then go on each pixel in that part until reaching a black one then save this point and perform Floodfill+save how many black pixels we lost and repeat till reach end then all left to do is to clean everything except the part that lost most pixels and to clean noise that not in a number part we use certain % of photo height(can be changed in settings) , now we left with a clean photo with only black numbers so we apply the OCR function that reads those numbers into a string , and walla the string can be sent to any recipient(added time sent in the SMS as well).
main problems = unknown input which means we dont know the size or location of the numbers , hell we dont even know if the photo contains any numbers , another problem is the size of the photo can easily create out of memory error in android.
solution = the added settings can be adjusted for unique input , for the size problem we made it to preload in a settings size and in case of an error we catch it and load in a lower size until it works.
youtube demo =
"history" = given to me by a certain CEO , project took 1 day.
user options = select the excel file , set the chart size , set the name of the word file that recieves the chart.
brief task summery = 1st task was to read an excel file into a table in java, 2nd task was to read the excel table into a chart inside word.
in depth explanation = importing external library called Apache POI(to read excel data) and JFreeChart(to use an already existing chart) , the 1st cell selected as title , create 2 lists that only save title cells(1st row horizontally and vertically, will help me to know the size of the table) and also check that the table is indeed a table(same amount of rows) , extract the actual data from the table into a 2 dimensional array(numbers for the chart) , import the data(from lists and the array) into the ready chart(if its the ExcelToJavaTable we put the data into a JTable and here it ends) , create a png file of the chart with the user selected size , import the png file into a word file that the user will name.
youtube demo =
"history" = college java course final project, given time - 1 month.
brief task summery = create a java game which contains a ship and meteors of 2 kinds(one of them is red) , you are given 10 shots and to win the game you need to survive 3 minutes while destroying all the red meteors, failure happens if a red meteor fall or if the ship gets hit by a meteor.
in depth explanation = the meteors and ship are pictures or gif files and by using each picture width and height at certain point its drawen(frame) you can see if they collide so using that you can know if ship got hit or if your shot hit a meteor and have a response accordingly , regarding the speed and angle of the meteors, i used random number generater to set a start point to the meteors, i used random number%screen width-meteor size this way it guarantee that each meteor location will be within screen width and since the red meteors needs to be destroyed i made it bounce if it hits a wall so you will have to destroy them.
youtube demo =
"history" = given as interview task, given time - 4 days.
brief task summery = use django as backend server to save questions,ids and use ionic to read the data from the server and display it in clickable buttons, if clicked display question and id data.
in depth explanation = set server data using rest framework and allow reading the data(displayed data in JSON) , using angular and ionic to read the data from the server and input it into buttons , click on button display the clicked data.