Hardened Ubuntu server, apache webserver using wsgi mod to serve a flask app
###The IP address and SSH port :, SSH port : 2200
###The complete URL to your hosted web application:
###A summary of software installed and configuration changes made: ####Software installed:
- Apache web server
- PostgreSQL
- wsgi module for Apache
- SQLAlchemy
- Python PIP
- Git
- Dependencies for the application as described by this webapp's [readme] (https://github.com/yamrock/itemcatalog)
- fail2ban (SSH multiple failure logging/banning)
- monit (file and application server monitoring)
####Configuration changes
- Created a user called grader
- Updated sshd_config to listen on port 2200 instead of 22
- Configured UFW to restrict inbound access to 2200, 80 and NTP(123)
- Configured the local TZ to UTC
- Edited /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf to use /var/www/html/catalog.wsgi
- Created /var/www/html/catalog.wsgi to run the flask app
- Edited ~grader/itemcatalog/application.py, helper.py etc to remove relative links and replaced them with full paths
- Updated the app in developers.facebook.com to use the new url
- Updated fail2ban's jail.conf in jail.local to enable monitoring for multiple unsuccessful SSH attempts on port 2200, and banning those IPs.
- Introduced a crontab to check for updates and upgrade the server weekly
###A list of any third-party resources http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/deploying/mod_wsgi/ : To integrate apache's wsgi module with flask app
http://stackoverflow.com : General troubleshooting