Simple Dashboard page for Corona virus statistics created using React library and Coronavirus COVID19 API.
- Simple Dashboard page for Corona virus statistics.
- Technical assignment requested by NADSOFT for the application of React Developer position.
You're required to Create a React app dashboard for Corona virus with the following requirements:
- User should be able to view global statistics (cases, deaths, recovered).
- User should be able to view a list of statistics per country (cases, deaths, recovered).
- User should be able to search for countries.
- User should be able to rank countries in order.
Note: To solve the assignment, use the API from here:
- React Library | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React Hooks | State Hook and Effect Hook.
- Axios Library | To make requests to:
- Coronavirus COVID19 API in order to fetch data.
- IP API in order to analyze the user connection IP.
- React Bootstrap Components | Container, Row, Col, Navbar, Nav, Form, Card, Carousel, Table, OverlayTrigger, and Tooltip.
- React Icons | FaLongArrowAltUp, FiArrowDown.
- User can navigate between dashboard sections (Global, Your Country, and Other Countries statistics).
- User can view global statistics (cases, deaths, recovered).
- User by default can view their country statistics (cases, deaths, recovered) based on their device IP.
- User can search for countries statistics.
- User can view summary and table of statistics for all countries (cases, deaths, recovered).
- User can sort countries in order (alphabetical, total cases, total deaths, or total recovered).
$ git clone [email protected]:yahiaqous/Covid19.git
$ cd Covid19
Covid19 git:(main)$ npm i
Covid19 git:(main)$ npm start
- Divide the table with "view more" button.
- Design and Develop the Footer Component.
- Add "Return to Top" button.
- Create count up animation for the cards numbers.
- Create loading component until fetching data.
- Create API errors handler.
- This project was inspired and requested by NADSOFT.
- This Stack Overflow Answer helped me to create function that sorts dictionary based on value.
- This Sandbox Tutorial helped me how to get the user country by analyzing their connection IP through this API.
Created by Yahia Qous - feel free to contact me!