Hey! It started when I needed location coordinates for Russian cities. I've found csv with city list and its coordinates. So I decided to create such table for KZ cities. Everything was made using Jupyter notebook. Hope this file and notebook will be useful
- title - city name
- rus_title - city name on russian
- kz_title - city name on kazakh
- city_from - year of the getting city status
- pop_1979 - population in 1979
- pop_1989 - population in 1989
- pop_1999 - population in 1999
- pop_2009 - population in 2009
- pop_2014 - population in 2014
- pop_2019 - population in 2019
- status - city status (described below)
- region - region name
- area - area
- altitude - above sea level
- timezone - timezone
- zipcode - zipcodes
- current_pop - current population
- lat - latitude
- lon - longitude
1 — republic significance city
2 — region center
3 — regional subordination city
4 — district center
5 — district subordination city