Tool for quick search and fix of corrupted fields in large PostgreSQL tables (ERROR: Missing chunk 0 for toast value in pg_toast).
You may get this message upon PostgreSQL startup or as a result of transaction:
ERROR: missing chunk number 0 for toast value 734921 in pg_toast_83651
This means that your database was corrupted due to some reason, e.g. hardware faults (HDD, cache, RAID, etc.). See Wiki for more details. It is likely that a corrupted chunk is present in the postgres table file, but it can be fixed.
According to this solution, you may manually identify the corrupted fields in your table by running commands sequentially:
psql -U postgres -d mydatabase -c "select * from mytable order by id limit 5000 offset 0" > /dev/null || echo "Corrupted chunk read!"
psql -U postgres -d mydatabase -c "select * from mytable order by id limit 5000 offset 5000" > /dev/null || echo "Corrupted chunk read!"
psql -U postgres -d mydatabase -c "select * from mytable order by id limit 5000 offset 10000" > /dev/null || echo "Corrupted chunk read!"
psql -U postgres -d mydatabase -c "select * from mytable order by id limit 5000 offset 15000" > /dev/null || echo "Corrupted chunk read!"
or scratch up a script to have some automation:
while [ $n -lt 58223 ]
psql -U postgres -d database -c "select * from mytable limit 1 offset $n" >/dev/null || echo $n
For large databases (10GB+) simple search script will have to run millions of databse transactions which may take days or even months in some cases. To speed up this process we may use binary search and reduce the amount of transactions dramatically.
This script leverages binary search algorithm to create a queue of select transactions, gets offsets of corrupted fields and writes 0 to these fields to recover the database structure.
By default script runs in diagnostic mode. To enable repair functionality, set $write = 1;
WARNING: During the database recovery process contents of corrupted fields will be permanently destroyed!!!
PostgreSQL recovery tool needs a Perl::DBI library in order to run.
install on Debian/Ubuntu:
> sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl
install on RedHat/CentOS
> sudo yum -y install perl-DBI