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Release Preparation

mattchungxwp edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 1 revision

Engineering requirements before release

  1. Customizer is slow and frequently hangs
  2. Remove jQuery dependency on front end
  3. Split block CSS
  4. Make “Install plugin/theme” notices go away if using development version(s) from GitHub
  5. Evaluate whether any theme JS could be done in CSS
  6. Closing menu jumps to comment form (where comment form exists)
  7. Card component: Placeholder text is not placeholder (user has to delete it)
  8. Contact form uses jQuery on the front end.
  9. Contact form in editor has React warnings about uncontrolled inputs, and other warnings.
  10. Contact form is buggy and confusing generally.

UX requirements before release

  1. Settings screen has Latin text
  2. Not 100% clear what to do after activation
  3. Direct users to Customizer more explicitly and from more places. It is the main thing for them to do before creating posts.
  4. Joshua suggestion: Make logo white when blue bg:
  5. Joshua suggestion: When I click this it should open in new tab, and the settings area should be checkmarked:

Other release actions required

  1. Readme docs
  2. Plugin assets

Nice to haves/worth discussion (Post Release)

  1. Demo content is a little bit confusing. Block patterns might be better
  3. Demo using FSE theme
  4. Styles scoped to blocks (potentially eliminating need for Material theme)
  5. Define requirements for theme compatibility (allowing other themes to be used)