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rf2depth的一点优化,使用namedtuple改善了Station类的使用 中的ccp_model太繁琐,未来会拆分重写。
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JouSF-1409 committed Jan 30, 2024
1 parent 7dc0a87 commit 20f0d7b
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95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions seispy/ccp/
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@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
use obspy.taup instead of taup in java

import numpy as np

from obspy.taup import TauPyModel

def rayp_input(phase_main:str,
anaylize input informations
only allow P, SKS, S, ScS
if phase_main not in ['P', 'S', 'SKS', 'ScS']:
raise ValueError('not a valid phase')

# set default step value for 2 input
source_dist_in_degree +='/1';source_dist_in_degree = [float(_i) for _i in source_dist_in_degree.split('/')[:4]]
conver_layers +='/1';conver_layers = [float(_i) for _i in conver_layers.split('/')[:4]]
source_depth_in_km +='/2';source_depth_in_km = [float(_i) for _i in source_depth_in_km.split('/')]
if conver_layers[0] < 0:
conver_layers[0] = 0
conver_layers = np.arange(conver_layers[0], conver_layers[1], conver_layers[2])
source_dist_in_degree = np.arange(source_dist_in_degree[0], source_dist_in_degree[1], source_dist_in_degree[2])
source_depth_in_km = np.arange(source_depth_in_km[0],source_depth_in_km[1], source_depth_in_km[2])
raise ValueError('invalid inputs in dist and layers')
# here we limit layer_max to 30km
if conver_layers[-1] < 30:
raise ValueError('theres no need to do such a thing')

rayp = cal_taup('iasp91', phase_main,
conver_layers, source_dist_in_degree, source_depth_in_km)

np.savez(out_put_path, dis = source_dist_in_degree, dep = source_depth_in_km, layers = conver_layers, rayp = rayp)

def cal_taup(model:str, phase:str,
layer:np.ndarray, dist:np.ndarray, depth:np.ndarray):
cal rayp from obspy.taup
wont cal layers above 11km, change min_con
phase_list: list of phase names, like ["P30s", "P50s"]
layer : conversion layers
dist : numpy.ndarray, dist in deg
depth : numpy.ndarray, source_depth in km
min_con = 11
if phase[-1] == 'P':
conv = 's'
conv = 'p'
## init taup and matrix
rayp_lib = np.zeros((dist.shape[0], depth.shape[0], layer.shape[0]))
model = TauPyModel(model=model)
cal_layers_slice = np.where(layer > min_con); head = cal_layers_slice[0][0]
phase_list = ["{}{}{}".format(phase,_d, conv) for _d in layer[cal_layers_slice]]

### main
for _i, _deg in enumerate(dist):
for _j, _dep in enumerate(depth):
#print("now at degree {}, dep{}".format(_deg, _dep))
for _k, _phase in enumerate(phase_list):
if len(arrivals) == 0:
rayp_lib[_i,_j,head+_k] = arrivals[0].ray_param_sec_degree
if head > 0:
for _layer in range(head):
rayp_lib[:,:,_layer] = rayp_lib[:,:,head]
return rayp_lib

if __name__ == "__main__":
# paras
phase = "S"
dist = "30/90/5"
layers = "0/100/2"
depth = '0/100/5'
out_put = "G:/Ps_rayp.npz"

# run
rayp_input(phase, dist, layers, depth, out_put)
157 changes: 123 additions & 34 deletions seispy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1,49 @@
from seispy.core.depmodel import _load_mod
class RF2depth : process cal RF2depth
class sta_part, sta_full, _RFInd
from os.path import join, exists
import argparse
import sys
import glob
from collections import namedtuple
from logging import Logger

import numpy as np

from seispy.core.depmodel import _load_mod, DepModel
from seispy.rfcorrect import RFStation, psrf2depth, psrf_1D_raytracing,\
psrf_3D_migration, time2depth, psrf_3D_raytracing
from seispy.core.pertmod import Mod3DPerturbation
import numpy as np
from seispy.ccppara import ccppara, CCPPara
from seispy.setuplog import SetupLog
from seispy.geo import latlon_from, rad2deg
from os.path import join, exists
import argparse
import sys
import glob

# sta_part is not used
sta_part = namedtuple('sta_part', ['station', 'stla', 'stlo'])
sta_full = namedtuple('sta_full', ['station', 'stla', 'stlo', 'stel'])
_RfInDepth = namedtuple('RfInDepth',
['station', 'stalat', 'stalon',
'depthrange', 'bazi', 'rayp',
'moveout_correct', 'piercelat', 'piercelon', 'stopindex'])
class RFInDepth(_RfInDepth):
this class is inheried from a namedtuple, and can be called as a dict
mainly to restrict behaviour while output and
provide a better speed while
warnings: this class is still in develpment
def __getitem__(self, item):
make RFInDepth can be called like dict
>>> ll = RFInDepth(station='sta', stalat='stla', stalon='stlo', depthrange='dep', bazi='baz',rayp='rayp', moveout_correct=0, piercelat=0, piercelon=0 )
>>> ll['stalat'], ll.stalat
('stla', 'stla')
return getattr(self, item)

class Station(object):
Expand All @@ -28,20 +62,43 @@ def __init__(self, sta_lst:str):
self.station, self.stla, self.stlo = np.loadtxt(sta_lst, dtype=dtype, unpack=True, ndmin=1)
self.stel = np.zeros(self.stla.size)
self.sta_num = self.stla.shape[0]
def __getitem__(self,index):
allows [] do indexing
if hasattr(self,'stel'):
return sta_full(self.station[index],
self.stla[index], self.stlo[index], self.stel[index])
return sta_full(self.station[index],
self.stla[index], self.stlo[index], 0)
def __iter__(self):
allow to iter
for index in range(self.stla.shape[0]):
if hasattr(self, 'stel'):
yield sta_full(self.station[index],
self.stla[index], self.stlo[index], self.stel[index])
yield sta_full(self.station[index], self.stla[index], self.stlo[index], 0)
def __len__(self):
return self.station.shape[0]

class RFDepth():
"""Convert receiver function to depth axis
def __init__(self, cpara:CCPPara, log=SetupLog(),
raytracing3d=False, velmod3d=None, modfolder1d=None) -> None:
def __init__(self, cpara:CCPPara, log:Logger=SetupLog().RF2depthlog,
RAYTRACING3D=False, velmod3d=None, modfolder1d=None) -> None:
:param cpara: CCPPara object
:type cpara: CCPPara
:param log: Log object
:type log: SetupLog
:param raytracing3d: If True, use 3D ray tracing to calculate the travel time
:type raytracing3d: bool
:type log: logging.Logger
:param RAYTRACING3D: If True, use 3D ray tracing to calculate the travel time
:type RAYTRACING3D: bool
:param velmod3d: Path to 3D velocity model in npz file
:type velmod3d: str
:param modfolder1d: Folder path to 1D velocity model files with staname.vel as the file name
Expand All @@ -51,29 +108,30 @@ def __init__(self, cpara:CCPPara, log=SetupLog(),
self.cpara = cpara
self.modfolder1d = modfolder1d
self.log = log
self.raytracing3d = raytracing3d
if velmod3d is not None:
if isinstance(velmod3d, str):
self.mod3d = Mod3DPerturbation(velmod3d, cpara.depth_axis, velmod=cpara.velmod)
log.RF2depthlog.error('Path to 3d velocity model should be in str')
log.error('Path to 3d velocity model should be in str')
elif modfolder1d is not None:
if isinstance(modfolder1d, str):
if exists(modfolder1d):
self.ismod1d = True
log.RF2depthlog.error('No such folder of {}'.format(modfolder1d))
log.error('No such folder of {}'.format(modfolder1d))
log.RF2depthlog.error('Folder to 1d velocity model files should be in str')
log.error('Folder to 1d velocity model files should be in str')
self.ismod1d = True
if cpara.rayp_lib is not None:
self.srayp = np.load(cpara.rayp_lib)
self.srayp = None

self.sta_info = Station(cpara.stalist)
self.rfdepth = []
Expand All @@ -86,7 +144,7 @@ def _test_comp(self):
self.prime_comp = comp
if not self.prime_comp:
self.log.RF2depthlog.error('No such any RF files in \'R\','
self.log.error('No such any RF files in \'R\','
'\'Q\', \'L\', and \'Z\' components')

Expand All @@ -96,29 +154,38 @@ def makedata(self, psphase=1):
:param psphase: 1 for Ps, 2 for PpPs, 3 for PpSs
:type psphase: int
for i in range(self.sta_info.stla.shape[0]):
rfpath = join(self.cpara.rfpath, self.sta_info.station[i])
for _i, _sta in enumerate(self.sta_info):
rfpath = join(self.cpara.rfpath, _sta.station)
stadatar = RFStation(rfpath, only_r=True, prime_comp=self.prime_comp)
stadatar.stel = self.sta_info.stel[i]
stadatar.stla = self.sta_info.stla[i]
stadatar.stlo = self.sta_info.stlo[i]
stadatar.stel = _sta.stel
stadatar.stla = _sta.stla
stadatar.stlo = _sta.stlo
if stadatar.prime_phase == 'P':
sphere = True
sphere = False'the {}th/{} station with {} events'.format(i + 1, self.sta_info.stla.shape[0], stadatar.ev_num))'the {}th/{} station with {} events'.format(_i + 1, self.sta_info.shape[0], stadatar.ev_num))

#### 1d model for each station
if self.ismod1d:
if self.modfolder1d is not None:
velmod = _load_mod(self.modfolder1d, self.sta_info.station[i])
velmod = _load_mod(self.modfolder1d, _sta.station)

velmod = self.cpara.velmod

ps_rfdepth, end_index, x_s, _ = psrf2depth(stadatar, self.cpara.depth_axis,
velmod=velmod, srayp=self.cpara.rayp_lib, sphere=sphere, phase=psphase)
velmod=velmod, srayp=self.cpara.rayp_lib,
sphere=sphere, phase=psphase)

piercelat, piercelon = np.zeros_like(x_s, dtype=np.float64), np.zeros_like(x_s, dtype=np.float64)

for j in range(stadatar.ev_num):
piercelat[j], piercelon[j] = latlon_from(self.sta_info.stla[i], self.sta_info.stlo[i],
stadatar.bazi[j], rad2deg(x_s[j]))
### 3d model interp
if self.raytracing3d:
pplat_s, pplon_s, pplat_p, pplon_p, newtpds = psrf_3D_raytracing(stadatar, self.cpara.depth_axis, self.mod3d, srayp=self.srayp, sphere=sphere)
Expand All @@ -130,59 +197,81 @@ def makedata(self, psphase=1):
piercelat, piercelon = pplat_s, pplon_s
piercelat, piercelon = pplat_p, pplon_p

ps_rfdepth, end_index = time2depth(stadatar, self.cpara.depth_axis, newtpds)
rfdep = self._write_rfdep(stadatar, ps_rfdepth, piercelat, piercelon, end_index)

rfdep = self._append_rfdep(self.cpara,stadatar, ps_rfdepth, piercelat, piercelon, end_index), self.rfdepth)

def _write_rfdep(self, stadata, amp, pplat, pplon, end_index):
def _write_rfdep(self,cpara, stadata, amp, pplat, pplon, end_index):
rfdep = {}
rfdep['station'] = stadata.staname
rfdep['stalat'] = stadata.stla
rfdep['stalon'] = stadata.stlo
rfdep['depthrange'] = self.cpara.depth_axis
rfdep['depthrange'] = cpara.depth_axis
rfdep['bazi'] = stadata.bazi
rfdep['rayp'] = stadata.rayp
rfdep['moveout_correct'] = amp
rfdep['piercelat'] = pplat
rfdep['piercelon'] = pplon
rfdep['stopindex'] = end_index
return rfdep

def rf2depth():
"""Convert receiver function to depth axis
CLI for Convert receiver function to depth axis
There's 4 branch provided to do RF 2 depth conversion
1. only -d :do moveout correction
2. only -r : do raytracing but no moveout correction
3. -d and -r : do moveout correction and raytracing
4. -m : use {staname}.vel file for RF2depth conversion
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert Ps RF to depth axis")
parser.add_argument('-d', help='Path to 3d vel model in npz file for moveout correcting',
help='Path to 3d vel model in npz file for moveout correcting',
metavar='3d_velmodel_path', type=str, default='')
parser.add_argument('-m', help='Folder path to 1d vel model files with staname.vel as the file name',
help='Folder path to 1d vel model files with staname.vel as the file name',
metavar='1d_velmodel_folder', type=str, default='')
parser.add_argument('-r', help='Path to 3d vel model in npz file for 3D ray tracing',
help='Path to 3d vel model in npz file for 3D ray tracing',
metavar='3d_velmodel_path', type=str, default='')
parser.add_argument('cfg_file', type=str, help='Path to configure file')
help='Path to configure file',
metavar='ccp.cfg', type=str)
arg = parser.parse_args()
cpara = ccppara(arg.cfg_file)
if arg.d != '' and arg.r != '':
#### print help issue
raise ValueError('Specify only 1 argument in \'-d\' and \'-r\'')
elif arg.d != '' and arg.r == '' and arg.m == '':
#### do 3d moveout correction but 1d rf2depth
raytracing3d = False
velmod3d = arg.d
modfolder1d = None
elif arg.d == '' and arg.r != '' and arg.m == '':
#### do 3d raytraying
raytracing3d = True
velmod3d = arg.d
modfolder1d = None
elif arg.d == '' and arg.r == '' and arg.m != '':
#### use multiple 1d velmod for time2depth convertion
raytracing3d = False
velmod3d = None
modfolder1d = arg.m
### all last, use default 1D vel model do time2depth conversion
raytracing3d = False
velmod3d = None
modfolder1d = None
rfd = RFDepth(
cpara, raytracing3d=raytracing3d,
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