A plugin that allows you to use Flashrom from within Kodi.
- Select Flashrom version.
- Select flash programmer.
- Download and compile Flashrom via a GUI.
- Delete Flashrom and downloaded files/libraries.
Download the latest zip file and install the addon. See http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Install_an_Add-on_from_a_zip_file for more details on installing addons from zip file.
The BerryFlash-addon can be accessed from the Program addons menu.
The following settings are available.
Flashrom version: Choose the Flashrom version. Default: 0.9.9
Password: User password. Not needed for all system - just try to install Flashrom without password and you will be prompted if one is needed.
Selected programmer: Choose your programmer. Default: Dummy
Flashrom installed: Select No if you want to download and compile Flashrom. Default: Yes
Click me to download and compile Flashrom: Downloads and installs needed libraries, downloads and compiles Flashrom.
Click me to delete Flashrom and uninstall related libraries: Deletes Flashrom and uninstalls related libraries. During this step you can select to keep Flashrom and/or the libraries. Please note that Flashrom in most cases does not work without the libraries.
Click me to learn more about Flashrom: Links to Flashrom homepage - if a webbrowser is detected.
Click me to support the development of this addon with a donation: Link for donation - if a webbrowseris detected.
Is this plugin available in a Kodi addons repository? No
This software is released under the [GPL 3.0 license] 2.