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.Net Reactive XComponent API

ReactiveXComponent.Net is a .Net client API that allows you to interact with microservices generated with XComponent software.


Use Nuget to install the latest version of the API: nuget install ReactiveXComponent.Net -Pre


Usage example of ReactiveXComponent.Net API

// All the info we need is in the xcApi file. Get a XComponentApi..
IXComponentApi xcApi = XComponentApi.CreateFromXCApi(@".\HelloWorld.xcApi");

// Create a session..
using (IXCSession xcSession = xcApi.CreateSession())
    var componentName = "HelloWorld";
    var helloWorldManagerStateMachineName = "HelloWorldManager";
    var helloWorldResponseStateMachineCode = 1837059171;

    // Create a subscriber..
    var subscriber = xcSession.CreateSubscriber(componentName);

    // Create a publisher..
    var publisher = xcSession.CreatePublisher(componentName);

    // Need to call subscribe for the state machine we are interested in..
    subscriber.Subscribe(helloWorldManagerStateMachineName, arg => {});

    // Subscribe to state machine updates via the IObservable collection..
    var eventReceived = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    var observer = Observer.Create<MessageEventArgs>(args =>

    var subscription = subscriber.StateMachineUpdatesStream
                                .Where(e => e.StateMachineRefHeader.StateMachineCode == helloWorldResponseStateMachineCode)

    // Send an event to a state machine..
    var sayHiEvent = new SayHi() { To = "World" };

    publisher.SendEvent(helloWorldManagerStateMachineName, sayHiEvent);

    // Wait for state machine update and dispose subscription..


Build from source

Download the source code and execute the following command in a PowerShell:

.\build.ps1 -Target All

That would build the source code run the tests and create a Nuget package under the nuget folder.

The complete command that contains all the possible parameters is as follows:

.\build.ps1 -Target <Target> --buildConfiguration=<build_config> --buildVersion=<build_version> --setAssemblyVersion=<true_or_false>

target can be one of these values:

Default value: Build

buildConfiguration can be either Debug or Release.
Default value: Release

buildVersion is the build version to set for the assembly or Nuget package.
Default value: 1.0.0-build1

setAssemblyVersion can be either True or False. When set to true the assembly version will be set to the value indicated by buildVersion.
Default value: False


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  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push -u origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


Apache License V2