Welcome to the official repository of UPBGE's Manual and Python API, the UPBGE source-code repository can be found here.
You can contribute by opening an issue asking for a topic to be included in the documentation and/or opening a pull-request with the desired changes. If you'd rather contribute several things directly ask for commit rights.
Once a change is committed, a build is automatically generated and the new changes pushed to the upbge-docs repository directly.
To build this documentation you'll need:
Once all dependencies are installed, simply open the console at the top-level directory and run the command:
make html
The documentation will than be built into the build directory.
UPBGE itself is released under the GNU General Public License.
Except where otherwise noted, the content of the UPBGE Manual is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License or any later version. Excluded from the CC-BY-SA are also the used logos, trademarks, icons, source code and Python scripts.
This UPBGE manual contains exclusive information from UPBGE Documentation Team, but it's also based on others manuals and articles whose authors are exposed below:
The Blender Manual by the Blender Documentation Team which is licensed under a CC-BY-SA v4.0.
The "Game Development with Blender" book by Mike Pan, Dalai Felinto and Other Authors which is licensed under a CC-BY-SA v4.0.
The UPBGE Manual by the UPBGE Documentation Team which is licensed under a CC-BY-SA v4.0.
This means that when someone contributes to the manual, they don't hold exclusive copyright to their text. They are of course, acknowledged and appreciated for their contribution. However, others' can change and improve any or all text in order to keep the manual consistent and up to date.
If you want to use the UPBGE manual in other sites or other formats, please attribute the different authors and include hyperlinks (online) or URLs (in print) to the different manuals that are pointed out above.
- Antônio Froz (uayten)
- Denis Nicolas (denicolas)
- Guilherme Teres Nunes (UnidayStudio)
- Joel Gomes da Silva (joelgomes1994)
- Jorge Bernal (lordloki)
- Leopold A-C (IzaZed)
- marechal-p (wkk)
- NaincyKumariKnoldus
- RPaladin
- ShaunKulesa
- Tristan Porteries (panzergame)
- Ulysse Martin (youle31)
- Xavier Cho (mysticfall)
- (aum7)
- Zazoucoco0 (xavco63)
- You!