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Merge pull request #5916 from contificate/crypt_r
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CP-50518: Add binding for crypt_r to ocaml/auth
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contificate authored Aug 8, 2024
2 parents ccf3882 + 727592b commit a41c3fe
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Showing 5 changed files with 319 additions and 0 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/auth/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,3 +15,27 @@
external authenticate : string -> string -> unit = "stub_XA_mh_authorize"

external change_password : string -> string -> unit = "stub_XA_mh_chpasswd"

include (
external unsafe_crypt_r : key:string -> setting:string -> string option
= "stub_XA_crypt_r"
end :
val unsafe_crypt_r : key:string -> setting:string -> string option
[@@alert unsafe "Direct usage of this function is not recommended."]

type crypt_algorithm = SHA256 | SHA512

type crypt_err = SaltTooLong | HashFailure

let crypt ~algo ~key ~salt =
if String.length salt > 16 then
Error SaltTooLong
let crypt_r = unsafe_crypt_r [@@alert "-unsafe"] in
let algo_id = match algo with SHA256 -> 5 | SHA512 -> 6 in
let setting = Printf.sprintf "$%d$%s$" algo_id salt in
match crypt_r ~key ~setting with Some h -> Ok h | _ -> Error HashFailure
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/auth/xa_auth_stubs.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,25 @@ void __attribute__((constructor)) stub_XA_workaround(void)
crypt_r("", "$6$", &data);

/* key:string -> setting:string -> string option */
CAMLprim value stub_XA_crypt_r(value key, value setting) {
CAMLparam2(key, setting);

struct crypt_data cd = {0};

const char* const hashed =
crypt_r(String_val(key), String_val(setting), &cd);

if (!hashed || *hashed == '*')

result = caml_copy_string(hashed);

* Local variables:
* mode: C
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ocaml/quicktest/dune
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ocaml/quicktest/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ let () =
; ("Quicktest_max_vdi_size", Quicktest_max_vdi_size.tests ())
; ("Quicktest_static_vdis", Quicktest_static_vdis.tests ())
; ("Quicktest_date", Quicktest_date.tests ())
; ("Quicktest_crypt_r", Quicktest_crypt_r.tests ())
if not !Quicktest_args.using_unix_domain_socket then
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274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions ocaml/quicktest/
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@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
* Copyright (c) Cloud Software Group, Inc
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 only. with the special
* exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

module Pam = struct
include Pam

let unsafe_crypt_r = Pam.unsafe_crypt_r [@@alert "-unsafe"]
(* Suppress the alert the purpose of testing. *)

let valid_salts =
"salt" (* Don't need to specify algorithm, will default to something. *)
; "$5$salt$" (* 5 = SHA-256 should work. *)
; "$6$salt$" (* 6 = SHA-512 should work. *)

let invalid_salts =
"" (* Salt cannot be empty. *)
; "$" (* Salt cannot be $. *)
; "$9$salt$" (* Salt must specify valid algorithm constant. *)
; "$6,rounds=1000$salt$" (* Salt cannot specify iteration count. *)
; "£6£salt£" (* Only American currency is legal tender. *)

let test_salts ~msg ~succeeds salts =
let test salt =
let actual =
Option.is_some (Pam.unsafe_crypt_r ~key:"password" ~setting:salt)
Alcotest.((check' bool) ~msg ~expected:succeeds ~actual)
List.iter test salts

let test_valid_salts () =
test_salts ~msg:"Hash can be computed from valid salt" ~succeeds:true

let test_invalid_salts () =
test_salts ~msg:"Hash cannot be computed from invalid salt" ~succeeds:false

let test_salt_truncation () =
let salt_max_length = 16 in
let salt = "a_salt_that_is_longer_than_is_actually_accepted" in
assert (String.length salt > salt_max_length) ;
let test prefix_length =
(* The C API accepts at most 16 chars for the salt, optionally
enclosed within $k$salt$ - anything else is ignored (implicitly
truncated). *)
let truncated_salt = String.sub salt 0 prefix_length in
let sha512 = Printf.sprintf "$6$%s$" in
let key = "password" in
let h = Pam.unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting:(sha512 salt) in
let h' = Pam.unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting:(sha512 truncated_salt) in
if Option.(is_none h || is_none h') then
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Failed to compute hash in %s" __FUNCTION__)
Option.equal ( = ) h h'
let msg =
"Hash computed with implicitly truncated salt is the same as explicitly \
truncated (len = %d)\n\
let expectation len =
(* We expect all lengths greater than max salt length to succeed,
as they are implicitly truncated. Any length < salt_max_length
should fail. *)
len >= salt_max_length
for len = 0 to String.length salt do
let msg = msg len in
let actual = test len in
let expected = expectation len in
Alcotest.(check' bool) ~msg ~expected ~actual

(* Invalidate the following tests if any hash fails to be computed. *)
let unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting =
match Pam.unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting with
| Some hash ->
| _ ->
failwith "Invalid input provided to crypt_r"

let test_crypt_r_many_threads () =
Printexc.record_backtrace true ;
let settings = ["$6$salt$"; "$5$salt123$"; "$6$foobar$"; "salt"] in
(* Each test case is a 3-tuple (key, setting, hash). A thread is
spawned for each test case. The hash component stores the expected
result of hashing key with setting. These hashes are computed prior
to spawning the threads so they are guaranteed to have been computed
sequentially. *)
let test_cases =
let create_case setting =
let key = "password" in
let hash = unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting in
(key, setting, hash)
in create_case settings
let num_cases = List.length test_cases in
let thread_count = Atomic.make 0 in
let ready () = Atomic.get thread_count >= num_cases in
let m = Mutex.create () in
let c = Condition.create () in
(* Each thread will populate an entry in the results array. *)
let results : (unit, _) result array = Array.make num_cases (Ok ()) in
let spawn i (key, setting, expectation) =
let loop () =
let now = Unix.gettimeofday in
let start = now () in
while now () -. start < 0.2 do
let actual = unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting in
if actual <> expectation then
failwith (Printf.sprintf "%s <> %s" actual expectation)
(* Record that this thread has been started, then wait for the
main thread to broadcast that the others have also started. *)
Atomic.incr thread_count ;
Mutex.lock m ;
while not (ready ()) do
Condition.wait c m
done ;
Mutex.unlock m ;
(* Run the test, capturing any exception as a result to the
negative. *)
results.(i) <- Rresult.R.trap_exn loop ()
(* Spawn a thread per valid test case. *)
let tids = List.mapi (fun i -> Thread.create (spawn i)) test_cases in
(* Wait for all threads to identify themselves as having started
before broadcasting that they should start hashing. *)
while not (ready ()) do
Unix.sleepf 0.1
done ;
Mutex.lock m ;
Condition.broadcast c ;
Mutex.unlock m ;
List.iter Thread.join tids ;
(* Re-raise the first encountered trapped exception with its
backtrace to ensure the test fails if any thread reported
failure. *)
let reraise = function
| Error (`Exn_trap (exn, bt)) ->
Printexc.raise_with_backtrace exn bt
| _ ->
Array.iter reraise results

(* This test hashes strings of language 'a'+ over a small range of lengths to
ensure no duplicates occur. A suitable cryptographic hash function should have
no collisions doing this. So, if a collision occurs, it is more likely because
the underlying algorithm has a maximum length key size (and is truncating our
input). *)
let test_increasing_length () =
let min, max = (50, 140) in
(* Records hash -> length, so colliding lengths can be reported. *)
let tbl = Hashtbl.create 127 in
let setting = "$6$salt$" in
let go len =
let key = String.make len 'a' in
let hash =
try unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting
with _ ->
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Failed to compute hash aa..a of length %d" len)
match Hashtbl.find_opt tbl hash with
| Some len' ->
(Printf.sprintf "Hash value a.. (len = %d) matches a.. (len %d)" len
| _ ->
Hashtbl.add tbl hash len
for i = min to max do
go i

(* This test demonstrates the behaviour that the C API will
(expectedly) only read up to the null terminator character. OCaml
strings are stored as an array of words, with the final byte
specifying how many padding bytes precede it. Since the number of
words and number of padding bytes is used to determine string length,
there is no reliance on a C-style null terminator - so '\0' can appear
anywhere in an OCaml string. *)
let test_c_truncation () =
let key = "password" in
let key' = key ^ "\x00_arbitrary_data_here" in
let setting = "$6$salt$" in
let hash = unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting in
let hash' = unsafe_crypt_r ~key:key' ~setting in
if hash <> hash' then
failwith "Expected truncation using C-style null termination failed"

(* Make following tests fail if the safe API fails to return a valid result. *)
let crypt ~algo ~key ~salt =
let open struct exception CryptException of Pam.crypt_err end in
match Pam.crypt ~algo ~key ~salt with
| Ok hash ->
| Error e ->
raise (CryptException e)

(* Test trivial correspondence between safe API invocation and unsafe calls. *)
let test_api_correspondence () =
let cases =
("$5$salt123$", Pam.SHA256, "salt123")
; ("$6$salt456$", Pam.SHA512, "salt456")
let go (setting, algo, salt) =
let key = "password" in
let h = unsafe_crypt_r ~key ~setting in
let h' = crypt ~algo ~key ~salt in
if h <> h' then
"Hashes differ between invocations of safe and unsafe crypt_r APIs"
List.iter go cases

(** Ensure the safe API fails in the way you expect. *)
let test_safe_failures () =
let key = "password" in
let cases =
(* Salt exceeding maximum length. *)
( (fun () ->
Pam.crypt ~algo:SHA256 ~key ~salt:"asaltthatexceedsthemaximumlength"
, Pam.SaltTooLong
let test (case, expected_error) =
match case () with
| Ok _ ->
failwith "Expected crypt error"
| Error e when e <> expected_error ->
failwith "Actual crypt error does not match expectation"
| Error _ ->
List.iter test cases

let tests () =
("Valid salts", `Quick, test_valid_salts)
; ("Invalid salts", `Quick, test_invalid_salts)
; ("Implicit salt truncation", `Quick, test_salt_truncation)
; ("Increasing string length", `Quick, test_increasing_length)
; ("C-style termination", `Quick, test_c_truncation)
; ("Safe and unsafe API", `Quick, test_api_correspondence)
; ("Safe API error reporting", `Quick, test_safe_failures)
; ("Multiple threads", `Quick, test_crypt_r_many_threads)

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