Docker container to run NGINX
- Install Docker
- Pull from Docker Hub
docker pull xaamin/nginx
- Build an image from Dockerfile
docker build -t xaamin/nginx
You must provide a volume mounted on /shared containing the same structure as shared directory
First, run a PHP5 FPM container
docker run -d --name --restart always -v ./shared/accounts/ xaamin/php-fpm
See shared directory inside this repository for sample structure. You must link to xaamin/php-fpm docker container.
docker run -d --name nginx.web --restart always --link -v ./shared:/shared xaamin/nginx
To replace the default SSL certificate use the following command.
docker exec -it bash /
Or inside the container execute /
script and fill properly information.
docker exec -it bash bash
# Inside de container terminal issue
SCRIPT_FILENAME=/shared/accounts/ QUERY_STRING=VAR1 DOCUMENT_ROOT=/shared/accounts/ REQUEST_METHOD=GET cgi-fcgi -bind -connect
You must need openssl installed locally. This scripts only runs in Linux and MacOS, if you are a windows user you should enter to your nginx container to create a site
# Lunux and MacOS
bash scripts/
# Windows
docker exec -it nginx bash /shared/scripts/
export HOST_USER_ID=$(id -u $(whoami)) && export HOST_GROUP_ID=$(id -g $(whoami)) && docker-compose up -d