This is my personal library similar to Angular and React. I developed this lib to understand how a library works. It's the first version but i will update with other features, any suggestion is appreciated.
If you want to use that library you need to pull this project into your new project and create the index.js file into JS folder.
First of all you need to import RoutingComponent, this provide to use SPA (Single Page Application):
import routingModule from './Path/To/routingModule.js';
In contructor statement you will create an array of paths like this:
//@param {string} path: URL want to catch
//@param {string} options.ref: Reference to JS component will rendered at a determined path
this._routes = [
{path: "#/task1", options: {
ref: '/mustaches/views/task1/task1.js'
{path: "#/task2", options: {
ref: '/mustaches/views/task2/task2.js'
After that declaration you need to initializate the routing into your page:
//param {Array} this._routes: All paths specified for this Web Application
//param {String} defaultPath: Identify start point of your Web Application
new routingModule(this._routes, "#/task1");
Eventually you need to render some partials into your page like headerComponent or something else to render this kind of component you can import this component and do a new istance.
import headerComponent from '../mustaches/path/to/headerComponent.js';
new headerComponent();
Index class will be initialized on document.ready, this event can be binded with jquery and javascript, example:
$(document).ready(() => {
new indexModule();
- Antonio Russo - Initial work - xXBlackBulletXx
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.