OpenHAB HomeKit Bridge is a bridge implementation of the HomeKit Accessory Protocol. The implementation is based on a fork of the original HAP-NodeJS extended with npm package.json and a index.js for the object factories.
Watch the demo video here.
- OpenHAB server running with at least one Switch item configured
- node.js 0.12.x
- iOS Developer account to run a HomeKit application at least in the iOS simulator
- this repository
On non OS X systems install the avahi library:
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev
Install the node module dependencies:
npm install
This connects to OpenHAB at on port 8080 and loads all items from a sitemap named 'demo.sitemap':
npm start -- --server --sitemap demo
- -s, --server
- The network address and port of the OpenHAB server as ip:port. Defaults to
- -p, --pincode
- The pincode used for the bridge accessory. Defaults to 031-45-154.
- -m, --sitemap
- The name of the sitemap to load all items from. Items must not be nested in frames or groups. Defaults to 'homekit'.
At this point OpenHAB HomeKit Bridge will bridge OpenHAB Switch items using the LightBulb Service so only On/Off is supported right now.
To access the bridge from an iDevice use Apples HomeKit Catalog demo application or KhaosT´s HomeKit Demo. Use the predefined pin code 031-45-154 to add the bridge as an accessory.