Export / import subreddits from a Reddit account.
Useful when you create a new user account, or if you want to drop the default subreddit subscriptions or maybe you only read /r/IAmA on a Thursday but read all the /r/Ask* subreddits on Saturday.
usage: resub.py [-h] [--import] [--user USER] [--file FILE]
Resubscribe to your old subreddits.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--import, -i Specify -i to import to the user Default is to save
from a user (safe).
--user USER, -u USER Reddit username.
--file FILE, -f FILE Provide a filename to use.
Save user x89's subreddits to file abc.subs
python resub.py --user x89 --file abc.subs
Import the subreddits listed in abc.subs to user x78
python resub.py --import --user x78 --file abc.subs
Set up environment
git clone https://github.com/x89/reddit-resub
cd reddit-resub
virtualenv . -p python3
source bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt